10.4 Log Level Settings

10.4.1 CIS Server

The CIS services log level is configured using CIS management console. For more information, see General.

10.4.2 CIS Agents

The CIS agents log level can be set at global configuration (all OES server agents) and individual OES server agents using CIS management console. For more information, see Section 6.1.8, Agents.

10.4.3 Infrastructure Services

The infrastructure services includes ZooKeeper, Elasticsearch, and Kafka services configured in high availability nodes. You must login to all the nodes and then configure the log level for each infrastructure services separately.

  1. Open a terminal console, then log in as a root user.

  2. Configure log level for the following infrastructure services:

    • ZooKeeper: Go to /etc/opt/novell/cis/zk/log4j.properties and configure the required log level in rootLogger.level parameter.

      For example, to set Debug log level for ZooKeeper, add the following in /etc/opt/novell/cis/zk/log4j.properties.

      zookeeper.root.logger=DEBUG, CONSOLE


    • Elasticsearch: Go to /etc/opt/novell/cis/es/log4j2.properties and configure the required log level in rootLogger.level parameter.

      For example, to set Debug log level for Elasticsearch, add the following in /etc/opt/novell/cis/es/log4j2.properties.

      rootLogger.level = debug

    • Kafka: Go to /etc/opt/novell/cis/kafka/log4j.properties and configure the required log level in log4j.rootLogger parameter.

      For example, to set Debug log level for Kafka, add the following in /etc/opt/novell/cis/kafka/log4j.properties.

      log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, stdout

    The log levels supported are: Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, and Error. The default value is Warn.

  3. Restart docker services on all the infrastructure HA nodes using the following command:

    systemctl restart docker.service