Check the requirements for the Administrative Server and the browser before installing Management and Security Server.
Management and Security Server 12.6.2 supports these 64-bit platforms:
Windows 2012 Server or higher
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) v11SP1 or higher
Red Hat enterprise Linux 6 or higher
Linux on z Systems
Be sure to check the Administrative Server requirements and your Browser requirements before installing Management and Security Server.
As the central component of Management and Security Server, the Administrative Server requires:
Enterprise Class Server operating system, with:
Server running JRE 8, with JCE Unlimited Strength Policy Files applied
An Open JDK (Azul Zulu) is installed by the automated installer.
The browser requirements vary according to the administrator’s workstation and the users’ workflow.
When using the MSS Client Launcher to launch Desktop sessions, the admin can use any browser, including Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.
The Java plug-in is not required,
When using the non-Java Administrative Server (HTML login) option, the browser must support JavaScript and cookies
When using the Administrative Server (Java-based) login, the browser must:
NOTE:No browser is required for users or administrators who launch Windows-based sessions from the desktop (such as Reflection Desktop v16 or Rumba). Some exceptions may apply.
The Metering Server, installed with the Administrative Server, also requires a server running JRE 8.
The prerequisites and system requirements for each add-on product are included in the specific product sections.
A server running JRE 8. (An Open JDK is installed by the automated installer.)
See also Setting Up the Security Proxy
A server running JRE 8. (An Open JDK is installed by the automated installer.)
See also Setting Up Terminal ID Manager
z/OS with DCAS is installed on the mainframe
LDAP directory is used for user authorization
A browser using JRE 8 that can run trusted applets and supports JavaScript, cookies, and cascading style sheets.
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