If you have accidentally deleted the Print Manager, then it can be restored by using the XML backup file. The /var/opt/novell/iprint/<PrintManager.context>.psm/padbtxt.xml file includes all the relevant information to restore the Print Manager database. When the Print Manager is deleted, the padbtxt.xml file is copied to the /tmp folder and renamed with the name of the Print Manager and timestamp.
Perform the following steps to restore the Print Manager:
Locate the XML file. It will be available in the /tmp directory.
<Print Manager name>.<Context>_<Year-Month-Date>__<HR:MN:SEC>
Create the Print Manager object.
When creating the Print Manager, refer to the backup XML to ensure you are using the same information:
Print Manager Name = first part of the <dn> within the XML
Container Name = latter part of the <dn> within the XML
eDir Server name = <dserver> part of the XML, however, browse to the object. Don't use the network address.
Driver Store Name = <ids> part of the XML
iPrint Service = <hostname> of the XML. It is very important this part is identical. Changing this value could result in all workstations auto removing and auto re-installing all printers installed to workstations.
Shutdown the Print Manager.
rcnovell-ipsmd stop
Import the data from the backup XML file:
/opt/novell/iprint/bin/ipsmd -x /tmp/systemd-private-<HEX Value>-apache2.service-<Characters>/tmp/<Print Manager name>.<Context>_<Year-Month-Date>__<HR:MN:SEC> -u cn=<eDir admin name>,o=<OrganizationName>
/opt/novell/iprint/bin/ipsmd -x /tmp/systemd-private-ac0dbc6a87f24f2f940484c10937a5f0-apache2.service-WePGnZ/tmp/iPrintnew.iPrintAppliance_2018-02-16__22:58:48 -u cn=admin,o=MyContainer
Provide the admin password
On successfully completing the import, start the Print Manager:
rcnovell-ipsmd start
The Print Manager is successfully loaded.
When syncing users from an external LDAP source, the processor utilization increases if you try to import 10,000 users.
The reason for this behavior is that the User Sync is scheduled to run every 8 minutes, by default. Therefore, each time the User Sync is started, which is every 8 minutes, the processor utilization increases to around 50%, and remains in that state for up to 5 minutes. The utilization might further increase if you import over 10,000 users.
To workaround this issue, you can change the sync interval by editing the crontab file.
Launch the crontab file located at /etc/crontab.
Browse to the line where the sync interval is set to 8 minutes.
# run iprint migrate every 8 minutes
*/8 * * * * root /usr/bin/python /opt/novell/iprintmobile/python/migrate/migrateUsers.pyc >> /var/log/ipmigrate.log 2>&1
Change the time to the desired time interval.
For information on scheduling time intervals for cron jobs, see the article about Cron on Wikipedia.