UTS Options Key in the Windows Registry

This table lists the string values and data that you can add to the UTS Options key in the Windows registry.

UTS automatically uses the default data for each of these values unless you add a value with different data to the UTS Options key. For example, by default, UTS operates as if AllEraseSetChanged is False unless you add this value to the Windows registry and set its data to True.

For true/false statements, the default values appear in bold in the following table. For all other statements, the default value is specified in the Function column.

Table 24


String Value and Function


FALSE: Does not set the FCC changed-field indicator when you clear to the end of the field, line, or page.

TRUE: Sets the FCC changed-field indicator when you clear to the end of the field, line, or page.



Specifies the number of milliseconds between each blink of a blinking attribute. The larger the number, the slower the blinking rate.The default value is 500.





Specifies the Windows color value to use for a specific color.

For example, to make all blue items appear cyan, you could type the following statement:


Color can be Black, Blue, Brown, Cyan, DkBlue, DkCyan, DkGray, DkGreen, DkMagenta, DkRed, Green, LtGray, Magenta, Red, White, or Yellow.

The default value for each color is the Windows standard. For information about Windows color values, refer to your Windows documentation.



Specifies the command to use to close a host application.

The default value is $$CLOSE.

NOTE:ConnectCloseString overrides any strings specified in the InfoConnect INT1 Transport configuration.



Specifies the command to use to open a host application.

The default value is $$OPEN.

NOTE:ConnectOpenString overrides any strings specified in the InfoConnect INT1 Transport configuration.


FALSE: Moves the cursor home or to the next unprotected position if the home position is protected.

TRUE: Moves the cursor home, even if the home position is protected.


FALSE: Displays the specified background and foreground colors with no modification.

TRUE: Dims the background color and brightens the foreground color when the background and foreground colors are the same.


FALSE: In XPAR mode, if the data after the SOE character does not start in column 1, converts the preceding characters and the SOE character to spaces.

TRUE: Prints the first character after the SOE in column 1.


FALSE: Prints extra blank pages caused by host applications that do not send a SCAN LEFT escape sequence after a form feed.

TRUE: Eliminates the extra blank pages.


FALSE: Does not toggle the Field Control Character (FCC) changed bit.

TRUE: When the string is written to a field, toggles the FCC changed bit "on," so that the changed string data is transmitted to the host.


FALSE: For a CursorToEOL keystroke, moves the cursor to the last character on the row.

TRUE: Moves the cursor one column to the right of the last character on the row.



Specifies the location to use for files transferred using the Extended Control Page.

If path includes both a drive and directory, this entry overrides any location specified on the Extended Control Page. If path includes only a directory, this directory is appended to any drive specified on the Extended Control Page.

To specify the directory where UTS is installed, path should be <PRODUCT DIRECTORY>.

NOTE:If the location specified for ExtendedControlPageFileDir is not valid, or if this registry key does not exist, the files are transferred using the current directory in the drive specified on the Extended Control Page.


FALSE: Indicates that the Extended Control Page file transfer is not a TIP/30 file transfer, and does not send a message wait to the host after the transfer.

TRUE: Indicates that the file transfer is a TIP/30 file transfer, and sends a message wait to the host.

NOTE:The ExtCtrlPgMsgWait option replaces the TIP30MsgWait option used in previous versions of UTS. If you enter a value for the ExtCtrlPgMsgWait option, any existing TIP30MsgWait option will be ignored. If no ExtCtrlPgMsgWait option is specified, any existing TIP30MsgWait option will be in effect.


FALSE: Does not display the Control Page when the host opens it.

TRUE: Displays the Control Page when the host opens it.


FALSE: Does not send a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) to the printer at the end of a print buffer.

TRUE: Sends a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) to the printer at the end of a print buffer. CR/LF will not be sent if the buffer ends in with a line feed or form feed character.


FALSE: Maintains the same processing speed for all sessions.

TRUE: Improves the processing speed of the session with focus.



Specifies the text that indicates the line position on MAPPER 34 screens.

If the text specified here does not match the MAPPER screen (for example, if the screen appears in a language other than English), MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.

The default value is LINE.



Specifies the text that indicates the RID in the Line Zero information on MAPPER 34 screens.

If the text specified here does not match the MAPPER screen (for example, if the screen appears in a language other than English), MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.

The default value is RID.



Specifies the text that indicates the Roll command in the Line Zero information on MAPPER 34 screens.

If the text specified here does not match the MAPPER screen (for example, if the screen appears in a language other than English), MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.

The default value is ROLL.



Specifies the text that indicates the type in the Line Zero information on MAPPER 34 screens.

If the text specified here does not match the MAPPER screen (for example, if the screen appears in a language other than English), MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.

The default value is TYPE.



Specifies the text that indicates the drawer in the Line Zero information on MAPPER 35 screens.

If the text specified here does not match the MAPPER screen (for example, if the screen appears in a language other than English), MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.

The default value is DRAWER.



Specifies the text that indicates the line position of the file as displayed in the RID on MAPPER 35 screens.

If the text specified here does not match the MAPPER screen (for example, if the screen appears in a language other than English), MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.

The default value is LINE.



Specifies the text that indicates the report in the Line Zero information on MAPPER 35 screens.

If the text specified here does not match the MAPPER screen (for example, if the screen appears in a language other than English), MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.

The default value is REPORT.



Specifies the text that indicates the Roll command in the RID header on MAPPER 35 screens.

If the text specified here does not match the MAPPER screen (for example, if the screen appears in a language other than English), MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.

The default value is ROLL.


FALSE: In passthrough printing mode, does not convert form feed characters.

TRUE: In passthrough printing mode, converts all form feed characters to carriage return/form feed characters.


FALSE: Does not convert line feed characters.

TRUE: In passthrough mode, converts all line feed characters to carriage return/line feed characters.



Specifies the MAPPER command to display the Line Zero information.

If the text specified here does not match the correct MAPPER command (for example, if the MAPPER command is in a language other than English), MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.

The default value is lz -.


FALSE: Inserts a space in the session window when UTS receives a BEL control character from the host.

TRUE: Sounds a beep when UTS receives a BEL control character from the host.


FALSE: When printing, converts all data in FCCs with the VIDEO OFF attribute into spaces.

TRUE: Prints the data in FCCs with the VIDEO OFF attribute.


FALSE: When you fill a right-justified field and keep typing, the newly typed data overwrites the existing data.

TRUE: When you fill a right-justified field, the cursor automatically moves to the next field.


FALSE: If you use the left arrow key to move the cursor to a protected field, the cursor moves to the next unprotected position to the right.

TRUE: If you use the left arrow key to move the cursor to a protected field, the cursor moves to the next unprotected position to the left.


1-twice the # of lines

Controls the speed of scrolling data on the screen. The higher the value, the faster the scroll speed.

The default value is 8.


FALSE: During TLIB file transfers, any EOF character in the text file is uploaded to the host.

TRUE: EOF characters are not uploaded.


FALSE: When you press the keystroke to move the cursor to the end of the line, moves the cursor to the next unprotected character if the character at the end of the line is protected.

TRUE: Moves the cursor to the end of the line, even if the character at the end of the line is protected.



Specifies the directory in which temporary files are created and deleted.

The default directory is the one where UTS was installed.


FALSE: Does not alter UTS 60 emulation to support SO/SI-protected fields.

TRUE: Alters UTS 60 emulation to support SO/SI-protected fields the way a UTS 40 terminal does.