Type the text that appears on the MAPPER 34 screen to indicate the line position of the file as it appears in the RID. This text is a MAPPER transfer KEYWORD used by PEP to manipulate a MAPPER screen. If the specified text does not match the LINE entry in the MAPPER screen, MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.
The default value is LINE.
Type the text that appears on the MAPPER 34 screen to indicate the RID in the Line Zero Information. This text is a MAPPER transfer KEYWORD used by PEP to manipulate a MAPPER screen. If the text specified here does not match the ROLL entry in the MAPPER screen, MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.
The default value is ROLL.
Type the text that appears on the MAPPER 34 screen to indicate the RID in the Line Zero Information. This text is a MAPPER transfer KEYWORD used by PEP to manipulate a MAPPER screen. If the text specified here does not match the Line Zero Information in the MAPPER screen, MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.
The default value is RID.
Type the text that appears on the MAPPER 34 screen to indicate the TYPE in the Line Zero Information. This text is a MAPPER transfer KEYWORD used by PEP to manipulate a MAPPER screen. If the text specified here does not match the Line Zero Information in the MAPPER screen, MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.
The default value is TYPE.
MAPPER 35 and newer - LINE
Type the text that appears on the MAPPER 35 screen to indicate the line position of the file as displayed in the RID. This text is a MAPPER transfer KEYWORD used by PEP to manipulate a MAPPER screen. If the text specified here does not match the LINE entry in the MAPPER screen, MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.
The default value is LINE.
MAPPER 35 and newer - ROLL
Type the text that appears on the MAPPER 35 screen to indicate the roll command in the RID header. This text is a MAPPER transfer KEYWORD used by PEP to manipulate a MAPPER screen. If the text specified here does not match the ROLL entry in the MAPPER screen, MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.
The default value is ROLL.
MAPPER 35 and newer - REPORT
Type the text that appears on the MAPPER 35 screen to indicate the report in the Line Zero Information. This text is a MAPPER transfer KEYWORD used by PEP to manipulate a MAPPER screen. If the text specified here does not match the Line Zero Information in the MAPPER screen, MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.
The default value is REPORT.
MAPPER 35 and newer - DRAWER
Type the text that appears on the MAPPER 35 screen to indicate the drawer in the Line Zero Information. This text is a MAPPER transfer KEYWORD used by PEP to manipulate a MAPPER screen. If the text specified here does not match the Line Zero Information in the MAPPER screen, MAPPER file transfers will not work properly.
The default value is DRAWER.
Line zero request
Type the command issued to MAPPER for displaying the Line Zero information. This command is a MAPPER Transfer KEYWORD used by PEP to manipulate a MAPPER screen. If the text specified here does not match the MAPPER screen, MAPPER file transfers will not work properly. European customers may have to change this value.
The default value is lz-.