In addition to supporting the Print Screen and Capture commands in the File menu, UTS also supports host printing. With host printing, you issue a host print command, which varies depending on which host application you're using. For most host applications, this command tells the host what data to print and sends it from the host to the PC.
Several configuration options affect how host printing operates:
The Print Mode determines how to handle spaces and carriage returns.
The Print Screen, Print Screen Options, Font, and Advanced Print Options dialog boxes determine whether the data is sent to a printer or file; which printer is used; whether the Print Screen dialog box appears when you issue a host print command; whether line, color, and video attributes are printed; and other options.
To change the options on these dialog boxes, click Page Setup from the File menu, click Printer, and make any desired changes.
NOTE:If you click Print Screen from the File menu and change any of the settings on the Print Screen or related dialog boxes, those changes will also apply to any subsequent host print jobs.