Printer Tab

Using this tab, you can select a printer Device Identifier as well as a Read Identifier. You can also specify which portions of the page are printed when you issue a host print command.

Table 11 Printer Tab Options




Type the hexadecimal address of the DID (device identifier) where the host should send host-initiated print jobs. You can also specify this number using the arrow buttons.

If you don't know this address, contact your network system administrator.


Type the hexadecimal address of the device identifier (DID) that will receive data from a device such as a host's disk drive or tape system. You can also specify this number using the arrow buttons.

If you don't know this address, contact your network system administrator.

Print Range

Click the portion of the session window to print when you initiate the PrintRange action (which can be mapped to a keystroke, QuickPad, or HotSpot).

To print:

  • SOE To Cursor: All data from the start-of-entry (SOE) character preceding the cursor to the cursor. If there is no SOE, all data from home to the cursor is printed.

  • Full Page: All data on the page .

  • Selected: Only the selected date on the page.

Suppress Spaces

Select this option to remove trailing spaces from the printer output.