Select this option button if you want to adjust the value for this particular color. Each color value has three components An R (Red), a G (Green) and a B(Blue). Valid values for each component lie in the range 0-255. For example, Black is ( 0, 0, 0 ) and Magenta is ( 255, 0, 255 ). In certain conditions, you may want to adjust these values by moving the Red, Green, or Blue color sliders. The color change shows in the Test blocks to the right of the selected color.
This substitution is global and unrelated to the attribute remapping. It is to be used only in those conditions where a specific color such as BLUE does not appear good on display and hence can be substituted to ( 0, 255, 255 ), which is the value for CYAN.
NOTE: The substitutions other than pure color values may not work properly when the color is applied to the text since Windows will use the nearest pure color.
These blocks show the normal and reverse video for the selected color.
Use this slider to adjust the red color value for the selected color.
Use this slider to adjust the green color value for the selected color.
Use this slider to adjust the blue color value for the selected color.