5250 Edit Settings

The way in which data or text is copied or pasted from a session depends upon the Edit settings. Edit settings include options such as:

  • Copying to host text fields

  • Copying to input fields

  • Replacing cut or cleared text with spaces or NULL characters

  • Pasting as blocks, with or without wrapping text to keep from truncating data

  • Pasting field by field, which can help get an accurate "fit" from the copied space to the pasting space

  • A character or characters with which to replace tabs when pasting tab-delimited information

The Settings - Edit General Page (5250)

Use this dialog box to change the behavior of copying and pasting text to and from a display session.

Table 92 5250 Edit General Settings




Select options for edit schemes.

Scheme (list box)

Selects a pre-defined group (scheme) of Edit settings that will be applied to this session. The list includes those schemes provided with Extra!, and the schemes you have created or modified.

Save As

Organizes your current edit settings by saving them as an Edit scheme.


Deletes the Edit scheme selected in the Scheme list box.

Copy Options

Choose the areas in a Host screen where copying will be allowed.

Host Text Fields

Allows copying from areas on the screen where input is normally not allowed.

Input Fields

Allows copying from areas on the screen where input is normally allowed.

Cut/Clear Filler

Choose the type of character that will be used to replace characters that are cut or cleared from the Host screen.

Replace with Spaces

Replaces cut or cleared characters with an equal number of spaces. Only input fields can be cleared.

Replace with Nulls

Replaces cut or cleared characters with an equal number of nulls. Only input fields can be cleared.

Paste Options

Choose how the paste function will behave.

Block Oriented

Pastes rows of text that end with carriage returns or line feeds. The first row is pasted to the first input field in the current session, the second row is pasted to the second input field, and so on until the buffer is empty. If a row of copied text is larger than the input field it is pasted into, extra characters are truncated (unless you select Wrap Text at End of Field).

Wrap Text at End of Field

Causes information which would have been truncated at the end of a field (or the selected paste area) to be pasted to the next input field instead of being truncated.

Field Oriented

Pastes field by field. The first field is pasted to the first field in the current session, the second field is pasted to the second field in the current session, and so on until the buffer is empty. This field information does not truncate if the input field continues across host screen lines.

Replace End of Line with Field Exit

Stops pasting and exit the current field, moving to the next field, when an end-of-line character is encountered during a paste.

Character Oriented

Pastes character by character. The first character is pasted to the first character in the current session, the second character is pasted to the second character in the current session, and so on until the buffer is empty.

Replace Tabs With

Specify the character(s) with which to replace any tabs in the data being pasted, if, for example, you are pasting tab-delimited data from Microsoft Word.

Replace Tabs With (text box)

Let's you type in the character or characters with which you want to replace tabs when pasting. You can enter a maximum of 10 characters.

Move Cursor After Paste

Moves the cursor to the end of the pasted data if the paste is row- or character-oriented, or to the start of the next field if the paste is field-oriented. If the box is not checked, the cursor is not moved.

The Settings - Edit Advanced Page (5250)

Use this dialog box to specify advanced settings for cutting, copying and pasting text to and from sessions. Using this dialog, you can specify advanced settings that you prefer for cutting, copying, and pasting text to and from sessions.

Table 93




Type the filename of an existing Edit scheme, or select a scheme from the list.

Save As

Choose this button to save the selected option as an Edit scheme.


Choose this button to delete the displayed Edit scheme.

Format Options

Includes cutting, copying and pasting options which include proprietary format, spreadsheet format, unformatted text and bitmap format.

Extra! 5250 (proprietary format)

This clipboard format allows the cutting, copying, and pasting of 5250 information such as APL characters, and field attributes.

Cell Delimited (spreadsheet)

This clipboard format allows the cutting, copying and pasting of spreadsheet or other cell-based information. Use this format for spreadsheet or databases.

Separate at field/Separate at word

Choose Separate at field when cutting or copying information to the clipboard, the information is separated according to 5250 fields. Choose Separate at word when cutting or copying information to the clipboard, the information is separated according to word boundaries.

Text (unformatted text)

This clipboard format allows the cutting, copying, and pasting of plain text, which is the most common format used in Windows programs.

DIB (Device Independent Bitmap)

This clipboard format allows you to cut or copy device independent bitmap images (DIB's) to the clipboard.

BIFF (Binary Interchange File Format)

This clipboard format allows you to cut or copy binary interchange file formats (BIFFs) to the clipboard.

When checked, numeric characters that are copied from the host can be pasted to spreadsheets as numbers (can be used for calculating and are right justified)

When unchecked, numeric characters that are copied from the host can be pasted to spreadsheets as text (will not be used for calculating and are left justified).