TN5250 Connection NVT Page (AS/400)

Use this dialog box to specify NVT functions. You can specify the function of the Enter and BACKSPACE keys during a session.

Table 84 TN5250 Connection NVT Page (AS/400) Options



Enter Key Interpretation

Specifies whether the ENTER key, when pressed, feeds a blank line and then positions the cursor at the beginning of the next line, or whether it just positions the cursor at the beginning of the next line.

Carriage Return and Linefeed

Feeds a blank line and then positions the cursor at the beginning of the next line when the ENTER key is pressed.

Carriage Return

Positions the cursor at the beginning of the next line when the Enter key is pressed.

Backspace Key Interpretation

Specifies whether the BACKSPACE key, when pressed, moves the cursor back one character and deletes that character, or if it moves the cursor back one character without deleting the character.


Moves the cursor back one character and deletes that character when the BACKSPACE key is pressed.


Moves the cursor back one character without deleting the character when the BACKSPACE key is pressed.