The Settings - 3270 Display Attributes Page

Use this dialog to define show attribute options and to change the appearance of blinking text and the cursor in your 3270 display session window.

Table 68



Attribute options

Display attributes are characters that appear on your screen indicating where text formatting begins and ends. Use the options in this group box to specify how attributes are shown.

Show Field Attribute Value

When selected, the display attributes appear as small hexadecimal numbers before and after each field in the display session.

Show Unprotected Attributes

When selected, selected data in a display session is shown in an unprotected field.

Show Display Characters in Uppercase Only

When selected, all text is displayed in uppercase characters.

Enable Host Beep Attribute

When selected, your display session's blinking text style beeps.

Enable Toggle Insert Mode

When selected, the insert mode is toggled on.

Blinking Text Appearance

Use the options in this group box to specify where text formatting begins and ends. You can select the style of blinking text from one of the following: plain, underline, blink, or reverse.


When selected, the style of blinking text is plain.


When selected, the style of blinking text is underlined.


When selected, this option allows you to enable specific text to blink.


When selected, the blinking text style is reverse.