Use this page to define the advanced TN3270 features, such as NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) options, TN3270-defined keys (ATTN and SYSREQ), and TN3270 enhanced protocol.
The TN3270E server maintains sets of both general device pools and specific device pools.
General Device Pools
General device pools are pools of terminal and printer LUs from which the server assigns any available LU when no specific device-name is requested.
For example, if a user does not request a specific terminal, the server assigns any available device-name from the general terminal device pool.
Specific Device Pools
Specific device pools are pools of terminal and printer LUs that can only be used for specific terminal or printer session requests.
NOTE:If a user requests a particular LU by specifying a device-name, the server assigns from a specific device pool.
Table 62 Advanced Page Options for 3270 Connections
Options |
Description |
NVT Specific |
Specifies the function of the Enter and Backspace keys during a session. |
Enter Key Interpretation |
Specifies whether the ENTER key, when pressed, feeds a blank line and then positions the cursor at the beginning of the next line, or whether it just positions the cursor at the beginning of the next line. |
Carriage Return and Linefeed |
Feeds a blank line and then positions the cursor at the beginning of the next line when the Enter key is pressed. |
Carriage Return |
Positions the cursor at the beginning of the next line when the Enter key is pressed. |
Backspace Key Interpretation |
Specifies whether the Backspace key, when pressed, moves the cursor back one character and deletes that character, or if it moves the cursor back one character without deleting the character. |
Delete |
Moves the cursor back one character and deletes that character when the Backspace key is pressed. |
Backspace |
Moves the cursor back one character without deleting the character when the Backspace key is pressed. |
TN3270 Specific |
Enables non-TN3270-defined SNA AID keys (Attn and SysReq), and the use of the same model for both primary and alternate screen sizes. |
Enable ATTN Key as IAC Break |
Select to send an IAC Break Telnet command when an Attn is pressed during a host session. |
Enable SYSREQ Key as IAC Interrupt Process |
Select to send an IAC Interrupt Telnet command when a SysReq key is pressed during a host session. |
Same Model for Primary and Alternate Screens |
Select to use the same model type for both primary and alternate screen sizes. When selected, you can use a model type other than model 2 for primary screens. |
Use ID Management |
Select to use ID Management to provide IDs to clients. |
Configure ID Management |
Allows configuration of the ID Management server and user names, the ID access method, and the address pool name if the access method is Named Pool name. |
Use TN3270E When Supported |
Enables TN3270 enhanced protocols when supported. |
Resource/Device Name |
Specify a particular LU on the host. If no device name is entered, the server connects to any available LU at that port.The TN3270E server maintains sets of both general device pools and specific device pools. |