Open the Reflection Certificate Manager

NOTE:The procedures for opening the Certificate Manager depend on your product and session type. Your product may support one or more of the following procedures.

From the Secure Shell Settings dialog box

  1. Open the Reflection Secure Shell Settings dialog box.

  2. On the PKI tab, click Reflection Certificate Manager.

From the Security Properties dialog box

  1. Open the Security Properties dialog box.

  2. On the SSL/TLS tab, select Use SSL/TLS Security.

  3. Click Configure PKI.

  4. Click Reflection Certificate Manager.

From the TCP/UDP Path Options dialog box

  1. Set Security type to something other than No Security.

  2. Click PKI Settings.

  3. Click Reflection Certificate Manager.

From a New 3270 Connection

With Extra! X-treme open, click Create a new session > IBM Mainframe > TN3270.

  1. On the left, select Connection.

  2. On the General tab, click the Advanced button.

  3. In the Reflection Secure Shell Settings dialog box, click the PKI tab.