The PTR LPT External Interface Library package consists of the following components:
InfoConnect PTR LPT external interface library (EIL)
InfoConnect PTR Page Format service library
As shown in the following figure, this library enable PCs to communicate with a parallel communication device.
Figure 2
PTR LPT External Interface Library Installation Results
When you install the LPT External Interface Library, the following items are added to the InfoConnect database:
The InfoConnect PTR LPT library
The Library ID is LPT , and the description is InfoConnect PTR LPT EIL.
The InfoConnect PTR Page Format library
The Library ID is PTR_PAGEFMT, and the description is InfoConnect PTR Page Format SL.
The PTR LPT path template
The Template ID is PTR_LPT, the description is PTR Parallel Printer Path, and it contains the InfoConnect PTR LPT library.
The PTR application type is specified for this path template.
In this section