Configuring the LPD Host Filter

If you select the PTRLPD32.HFF host filter file in the Route Configuration dialog box and you click the host filter Configure button, the LPD Host Filter Configuration dialog box appears.Using this dialog box, you can customize the LPD host filter to your environment.

Dialog Box Options


Spool Path

Enter the directory path where the files reside until they print. In this directory path, a subdirectory is created for each printer queue you add to the active queues list.

Available Queues

This list box shows the printer queue paths available in an LPD environment. Since LPD supports single and multiple paths, you can highlight a printer queue path from this list and click Add, which moves the printer queue path to the active queue list.

When a printer queue path is listed in the available queue, it cannot receive data from the client software that uses a printer queue defined with the same name as the printer queue path.

Any path ID that uses PTR as the Application Type in its path configuration appears in this list.

Active Queues

This list box shows the printer queue paths currently active for an LPD environment. When a printer queue path is listed in the active queue, it can receive data from the client software that accesses this printer queue.

You must specify at least one printer queue path to complete the configuration for an LPD environment.

To remove a printer queue path from the active list, highlight a printer queue path from this list and click Remove, which moves the printer queue path to the available queue list.


Click this button to add a highlighted available queue to the active queues list.


Click this button to move a highlighted active queue to the available queues list.