History Page

Use the History page to set the number of screens to have remembered. This setting is for the current session only.

The History feature enables users to view and copy information from previous screens, eliminating data entry redundancies.



Enable History

Select to display the Screen History button in the Productivity pane.

Screen History Settings

Set the number of screens to have remembered.

Number of Screens to Remember

Type the number of screens you want to have remembered during the current session. Maximum number of screens is 99. If you add more than 99 screens to the history buffer, the oldest screen is removed to make room for the new addition.

To specify screen history settings

  1. From the Options menu, choose Settings.

  2. From the Categories list, click the Productivity icon to open the Settings - Productivity dialog box.

  3. From the History page, select Enable History to display the Screen History button in the Productivity pane.

  4. Under Screen History Settings, in the Number of Screens to Remember field, type the number of previous screens to have remembered.

  5. Click the Apply and OK buttons.