Use the 3270 printer Fonts page to configure font names, sizes, character density, and automatic adjustments that Extra! makes to the printed page. Automatic adjustments include using line spacing adjustments and the insertion of additional character spacing, when desired.
Table 74 3270 Printer Session Fonts Page Settings
Setting |
Description |
Font Options |
Lists the available font choices and sizes. |
Font |
Lists the available font choices based on your printer selection. If you have recently changed your printer selection, make sure you choose the Apply button from the Printer Page to update the font list. |
Size |
Lists the available font sizes. |
Character Density |
Defines how much spacing appears between characters. |
Number of Characters |
Sets spacing between characters. Type the number of characters to print per line or inch. |
Characters Per |
Select a unit of measurement, either Line (CPL) or Inch (CPI), to indicate how much spacing appears between characters. |
Characters Per Line (CPL) |
Sets the number of printed characters to characters per line. |
Characters Per Inch (CPI) |
Sets the number of printed characters to characters per inch. |
Adjust Character Spacing |
Expands spaces in each line to align text at both the left and right margins. |
Line Density |
Defines how much spacing appears between lines on the page. |
Number of Lines |
Sets spacing between lines. Type the number of lines to print per page or inch. |
Lines Per |
Select a unit of measurement, either Page (LPP) or Inch (LPI), to indicate how much spacing appears between lines. |
Lines Per Page (LPP) |
Sets the number of printed lines per page. |
Lines Per Inch (LPI) |
Sets the number of printed lines per inch. |
Adjust Line Height |
Increases spacing between each line so that all lines of text are evenly spaced between the top and bottom margins of the page. |
Use the Font that Best Matches the Character and Line Densities |
When you select Autosize Font, Extra! adjusts the font size to best fit the current display window. This eliminates having to scroll to see text if you have manually chosen a font that is too big for the display window. It also takes advantage of the size of the display window and will enlarge the font to eliminate extra gutter space. Instructs Extra! to select a font size to best fit the current page size, margin settings, and character density and line density settings. |