Prevent Sessions From Disconnecting During Standby Mode

By default, host sessions are disconnected when the computer enters a low-power state, such as Standby or Sleep. Even though the session reconnects when the computer "wakes," this process resets the connection and data may be lost as a result.

There are two ways you can prevent host sessions from disconnecting when this occurs. You can either prevent your computer from entering system standby mode or you can configure the computer to keep the host connection alive whenever it enters standby mode. The latter method is more suitable for laptops and other battery-operated devices. Instructions for these two methods are provided as follows.

To prevent Standby or Sleep mode

Use the following procedure to prevent the system from entering system standby mode or causing the computer to shut down in a low-power situation. (For instructions on changing system power options, which can also cause the system to enter standby mode, see the Windows Help.)

  1. In the Accessory Manager, choose Options > Global Preferences.

  2. Click the General tab.

  3. Click the Prevent System Sleep check box until a check mark appears and then click OK to close the General Preferences dialog box.

    NOTE:If the check box is colored or cleared, the computer can enter standby mode.

To keep sessions connected during Standby or Sleep mode

  1. In the Windows Registry Editor, locate the following registry key

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Micro Focus\extra!\WorkStationUser\Preferences]
  2. From the Edit menu, choose New > String Value.

  3. Name the string DisconnectWhenSleeping and in the Value Data box, type NO.

  4. Close the Registry Editor.

  5. In Windows, from the Start menu, open the Network and Internet control panel.

  6. Right-click your network connection and choose Properties.

  7. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click Configure.

  8. In the <networkname> Network Connection Properties dialog box, click the Power Management tab.

  9. Deselect the setting Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power and click OK