The Kermit Settings - File Transfer Advanced Page

The default options in the Kermit Advanced page conform to the standard Kermit configuration, and are suitable for most users. However, if the host is running an older or non-standard Kermit implementation, you might need to change some of these settings.

In particular, you should clear the check mark next to Attribute Packets if the host does not accept them. There are very few hosts that do not accept attribute packets. One of the functions of the attribute packets is to tell the host whether the file being transferred is text or binary. Kermit hosts generally expect text files unless instructed otherwise.

If you have already selected Kermit as your File Transfer Protocol, you can access the Kermit Advanced page by choosing Settings from the Options menu. Otherwise, choose Session Type from the Options menu and change your File Transfer Protocol, then choose Settings.

Table 146



Rx Packet Start Char

Specify the received packet start character. The standard received packet start character is ASCII SOH (^A). If your host uses a different character, you must type that character in this field.

Tx Packet Start Char

Specify the packet start character. The standard packet start character is ASCII SOH (^A). If the host expects a different character, you must type that character in this field.

Enable Tx Packet End Char

Send an end character to the remote Kermit. If the remote Kermit does not need an end character, you can obtain a slight increase in speed when transferring large files by not selecting this option.

Tx Packet End Char

Specify the packet end character. The standard packet end character is CR (^M). If the host expects a different character, you must type that character in this field.

Rx Timeout In Seconds

Type the number of seconds (0 - 94) to wait before issuing a timeout. The remote computer is instructed to timeout, or send a NAK back if it does not receive a packet in the specified time interval. A value of 0 is usually interpreted to mean do not time out. The default is 10.

Tx Timeout In Seconds

Type the number of seconds (0 - 94) to wait before issuing a timeout. A timeout is issued and a NAK sent to the remote Kermit if the host has not transmitted a packet in the specified time. The host usually sets this value during the parameter negotiation, but you can set it if you want a timeout to occur before parameter negotiation completes. If the value is 0 (the default), a timeout is issued to the remote Kermit after approximately one hour.

Error Retry Limit

Specify the number of consecutive errors to allow on the same packet before aborting a file transfer. An error is either a NAK or a timeout. The default is 10.

Control Quote Character

Specify the printable character to use as the prefix for printable control character sequences. The default is number sign (#).

Enable 8th Bit Quoting

Use 8th bit quoting to let 8-bit data pass through a 7-bit communications channel. By default, Kermit does not use 8th bit quoting if you use 8 data bits, but does if you use 7 data bits.

Eight Bit Quote Character

Specify the character to use as the 8th bit quote character. The default is ampersand (&).

Enable Compression

Select to prefix strings of repeated characters with a special character to speed up transmission. The default is selected.

Compression Character

Specify the character to use as a prefix to strings of repeated characters. The Kermit protocol allows special prefix encoding for long strings of repeated characters. This special compression character speeds up transmission. The default is tilde (~).

Pad Character

Specify the character to send before sending the first character of a packet. This is useful on slow half-duplex systems. The default is NULL.

No. Of Pad Characters

Specify the number of pad characters (0 - 50) to send before the first character of a packet. You can use any control character as the pad character. The most commonly used are NULL and DEL. This parameter is normally set during the negotiation. Because Kermit must send one or two packets before negotiation completes, you might have to set temporary parameters to use during the initial negotiation. The default is 0.

Attribute Packets

Use attribute packets, which provide additional information about the file being transferred, such as file type, time, and date of file. If the remote Kermit cannot handle attribute packets, clear this option. The default is selected.