GraphX commands use three types of operands: signed Integers, unsigned Integers, and character strings.
Signed Integer
A signed integer is written as an optional string of an arbitrary number of leading spaces (20h ASCII), immediately followed by:
an optional sign: plus (2Bh ASCII) or minus (2Dh ASCII)
an optional string of an arbitrary number of leading zeros (30h ASCII)
one to five digits (each 30h through 39h ASCII)
Range: 32768 to 32767. No sign indicates that the integer is positive.
Unsigned Integer
An unsigned integer is written as an optional string of an arbitrary number of leading spaces (20h ASCII), immediately followed by:
an optional string of an arbitrary number of leading zeros (30h ASCII)
one to five digits (each 30h through 39h ASCII)
Range: 0 to 32767
Character Strings
A character string is an arbitrary number of characters with ASCII values from 20h to 7Eh. The string is delimited by single quotation marks. A single quotation mark (apostrophe) can be included in the character string by using two consecutive single quotation marks.