A keystroke or combination of keystrokes that perform a particular action. For example, ALT+F is an accelerator to display the File menu.
An application used with InfoConnect Connectivity Services to perform various functions, such as terminal emulation. UTS and T27 are both accessories.
A file (usually with a .BMP extension) that contains a picture.
Blind key programming
A mechanism for changing the function of a keystroke on a keyboard map without using the Keyboard Map Editor. To use blind key programming, click Start Blind Key Programming from the Tools menu, press the key that you want to program, perform the functions that you want to associate with that key, and click Stop Blind Key Programming from the Tools menu.bookmark
A recorded host screen that you have identified as one that you want to access directly from the Go To menu.
Bookmark file
A file that contains instructions to start Accessory Manager, open a particular session, and navigate to a particular bookmark.The default name for each bookmark file is the recorded host screen name plus the session name, followed by the .BKM extension. For example, if you create a bookmark for a screen named Main Menu using SESSION1.ADP, the bookmark file name would be MAIN MENU_SESSION1.BKM.Once you create a bookmark file, you can go to the desired host screen simply by double-clicking the appropriate .BKM file in My Computer or an icon on the desktop that opens the .BKM file.
A process for sending data received from the host to a printer or file. Capture differs from the Print Screen function in two ways:
The data currently on the screen is not captured. Only data received from the host after you click Capture is sent to the printer or file.
Capture sends data to the printer or file continuously until you click Stop Capture.
Capture Incoming Data
Displays the Save As dialog box, in which you specify a file to save, or capture, all data received from the host. While you are capturing data, this command is unavailable.
CASL macro
A series of instructions for performing specified tasks automatically.These instructions use a special script language called the Common Accessory Script Language (CASL).
CASL Macro Editor
An Accessory Manager program that you can use to create and edit CASL macros.The CASL Macro Editor is similar to a text editor, but also provides menu items for compiling and running CASL macros.
Clear Display command, Edit menu (VT only)
Clears display memory and sets all line attributes to normal.
Clear History command, Edit menu (VT only)
Removes all information from the history buffer. When history is enabled, lines that scroll off the screen are stored in the history buffer. You can use the vertical scroll bar to display the history buffer, which appears above the first page.
Client Authentication
Client authentication (also referred to as user authentication) requires users to prove their identity using digital certificates (the default setting for the Reflection Security Proxy). Client authentication is typically required when an SSL session is first established. It will also be required by a TN 3270 server if the user is using the Express Logon Feature provided by some mainframe systems.
Client authorization
Used in connections secured by the Management and Security Server to ensure that access to host systems is approved before the connection can proceed. When a user logs into the Management and Security Server, he or she only has access to terminal session files and other features for which he has been explicitly authorized to use.
Combination keystroke
A keystroke preceded by a SHIFT, ALT, or CTRL, or any combination of those keystrokes.For example, ALT+U, CTRL+U, and ALT+SHIFT+U are all combination keystrokes.
Common Accessory Script Language (CASL)
A special script language used in all CASL macros. You can view or print a copy of the CASL Script Language Guide by installing and running AdobeAcrobat Reader.To install the Adobe Acrobat Reader, double-click RS405ENG.EXE in the ACROREAD folder in your InfoConnect folder. The CASL .PDF file is located in the same folder.
Connection type
The communication mechanism used by the PC to establish a connection with a host.
Control Menu
For information about standard Windows functions (e.g., maximizing, minimizing, restoring, and scrolling windows), refer to your Windows documentation.
CRL (Certificate Revocation List)
A digitally signed list of certificates that have been revoked by the Certification Authority. Certificates identified in a CRL are no longer valid.
Default keyboard map
A keyboard map associated with a particular terminal type that appears in the bottom half of the Keyboard Map Editor application window. When the default keyboard map is displayed, you can copy functions from the default keyboard map into the working keyboard map.
Digital Certificate
An integral part of a PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). Digital certificates (also called X.509 certificates) are issued by a certificate authority (CA), which ensures the validity of the information in the certificate. Each certificate contains identifying information about the certificate owner, a copy of the certificate owner's public key (used for encrypting and decrypting messages and digital signatures), and a digital signature (generated by the CA based on the certificate contents). The digital signature is used by a recipient to verify that the certificate has not been tampered with and can be trusted.
Down position
The state of a toolbar button when you click it. The action associated with the button determines whether the button remains in the down position or resumes the up position after you click it.
End Capture
Stops capturing data received from the host. Unless you are currently capturing data, this command is unavailable.
Express Logon Feature (ELF)
Also referred to as single sign-on (SSO), express logon is an IBM mainframe feature that lets users log on and connect to the host without entering a user ID and password each time. Express Logon authenticates the user on the mainframe by using her SSL client certificate in lieu of entering a user ID and password.
File transfer protocol
A mechanism for exchanging files between a PC and a host.Each file transfer protocol is suited to a particular purpose or host type.
Finish Printing
Forces immediate printing of accumulated printer data from the print buffers. This sends the data to the Windows printing spooler or the printer. This item is available only if you are using VT sessions.
Group box
A rectangular outline with a title at the top of the box.Y ou might want to put group boxes around similar objects on a QuickPad to help organize the objects.
Small black squares on the corners of a QuickPad or an object that appears on a QuickPad or toolbar. By selecting an object's handles, you can resize the object.
A mainframe, mini-computer, or information hub with which the PC communicates.
Host application
A program run on the host.
Host Capture
Displays the Host Capture dialog box so that you can save the host screen as a bitmap.
A portion of the session window that, when you double-click it using the left mouse button, transmits keystrokes, runs a macro, or performs other commands. HotSpots can be either text-based or region-based.
A small graphic representation of an object or application related to computers.Icons are often associated with icon (.ICO) files or executable (.EXE) files.
Identification field
A character or group of characters, usually on a particular row of the screen, that Accessory Manager uses to identify a recorded host screen.
InfoConnect database
A file usually located in the Windows directory that contains information about all the InfoConnect packages that have been installed, as well as all the path templates, library channels, and paths that have been created.Information about 16-bit and 32-bit products are kept in separate InfoConnect databases. The name of the database for 16-bit products is INFOCONN.CFG. The name of the database for 32-bit products is IC32.CFG. Both Accessory Manager and the InfoConnect Database Editor can read both databases simultaneously, but the InfoConnect Manager can read only one database at a time.
InfoConnect Database Editor
An application that you can use to add, modify, and delete InfoConnect paths or path-related components in your InfoConnect database.
InfoConnect Manager
The application that runs in the background each time you run an InfoConnect product and controls interaction between accessories and transports.You can also use this application to create, modify, and delete paths; set administrator and user-level security; control user access to configuration; and set user preferences. The InfoConnect Manager also lets you switch between sessions, clear sessions, and view session status.
Keyboard Map
A file that contains information about which keys perform which functions. Helps you to identify the actions associated with each keystroke and to perform those actions by clicking on the display. Keyboard map files use the extension .EKM.
Keyboard Map Editor
An Accessory Manager program that you can use to create and edit keyboard maps.The Keyboard Map Editor displays a graphical representation of a PC keyboard. You can drag-and-drop functions from one key to another, and from the default keyboard map to the working keyboard map. By double-clicking on a key on the keyboard map, you can assign keystrokes, macros, and other commands to keys.
Layout file
A file that contains complete Accessory Manager screen layouts, including all windows in their specified sizes and positions.All layout files use the .AWL file extension.
Local area network (LAN)
A collection of interconnected PCs, printers, disk drives, and peripheral equipment that can share information with other computers on the network.
Local folder
A folder where schemes, keyboard maps, QuickPads, and toolbars are stored.By default, all new schemes, keyboard maps, QuickPads, and toolbars are created in this location. For standalone installations and on the administrator's PC for shared installations, the local folder is the ACCMGR32 folder in the InfoConnect folder. You cannot change the location of the local folder.
A series of instructions for performing specified tasks automatically.CASL macros are written using the CASL Script Language.
Management and Control Services (MCS)
A Web-based server console that allows system administrators to centrally manage and configure session profile and path configuration information for InfoConnect users.
Most Recently Used Files
Lists the sessions that have been opened previously. Open a session by selecting one from this list.
Multi-user installation
An installation mode in which the product files are installed on a single PC that multiple users share. Each user who wants to run the products runs a separate installation utility. Product configuration and management is normally handled by the PC administrator.
Navigation path
The keystrokes that take you from one recorded host screen to another.
An item on a QuickPad.An object can be a button, box, group box, text, bitmap, or icon.
OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol)
A protocol (using the HTTP transport) that can be used as an alternative to CRL checking to confirm whether a certificate is valid. An OCSP responder responds to certificate status requests with one of three digitally signed responses: "good", "revoked", and "unknown". Using OCSP removes the need for servers and/or clients to retrieve and sort through large CRLs.
A named set of configuration data required to establish communication between the PC and a host.
Print Multiple Screens
Opens the Print Multiple Screens window where you can create a queue of host screens and send them to the printer at one time.
Print Screen
Opens the Print Screen dialog box from which you configure settings to print your display image.
Print Settings
Opens the Print Settings dialog box where you can set fromatting options and specify a title, header and footer for the printed page.
Displays information about your session, connection information, and host information.
A secondary window that can contain text, icons, buttons, and other graphics. By clicking buttons and icons on a QuickPad, you can send terminal keystrokes, run macros, or perform other commands.
QuickPad Editor
An Accessory Manager program that you can use to create and edit QuickPads. Using the QuickPad Editor, you can place objects on a QuickPad and configure the attributes associated with each object.
Record Macro
Opens the Macro dialog box, where you can run, record, edit, or delete a macro.
Remote folder
A folder where schemes, keyboard maps, QuickPads, and toolbars are stored. The default remote folder is the ACCMGR32 folder in the InfoConnect folder. To change the remote folder, click Global Preferences from the Options menu, click the Files/Directories tab, click the Browse button in the Settings Information group box, and select the desired folder.
Reset Display
Resets the VT display. This affects ANSI states only.
Run Keyboard Map Editor
Opens the Keyboard Map Editor, where you can create a custom keyboard map: a file that defines the function that each key on a PC keyboard performs to communicate with a host.
Run Macro Editor
Opens the Macro Editor, where you can create custom macros using Extra! Basic programming language.
Run QuickPad Editor
Opens the QuickPad Editor, where you can create custom QuickPads: small windows that contain text, buttons, bitmaps or other graphical elements that initiate an action when clicked.
Run Toolbar Editor
Opens the Toolbar Editor, where you can create custom toolbars to run in your sessions.
Save Layout
Saves the desktop positions and appearance of each window into a layout. When loaded, the layout opens and positions the windows as saved.
A collection of configuration options. For example, a color scheme might reflect certain colors for certain types of characters. A HotSpot scheme might include a specific combination of text and region HotSpots. If you do not save a scheme as its own file, the configuration options become part of the session profile.
Opens the Security dialog box, where you can control access to various functions.
Select Display command, Edit menu (VT only)
Selects the entire VT page.
A communication connection between a PC and a host that operates according to the configuration settings specified in the session profile.
Session profile
A file that contains all the configuration information associated with a session, including the InfoConnect path, terminal type, file transfer protocol, and other settings.
Session type
Opens the Session Type dialog box, where you can specify the connection type, display or device type, and file transfer protocol to use for this session.
Session window
A window within Accessory Manager application window.The session window displays an accessory's communication with a host. The window has a status line that indicates the session's mode and other information. The appearance of the window is controlled in part by how you configure your session profile.
Shared network installation
An installation mode in which the product files are installed in a location (such as a file server) that multiple users access from separate PCs. Each user who wants to run the products runs a separate installation utility. A minimal number of required files and registry settings are copied to the networked PC, and product configuration and management is handled centrally by an administrator.
Show Menu Bar
Shows/hides the menu bar within your application. This command acts like a toggle switch. Each time you choose it, the menu bar changes from being visible or not visible.
Standalone installation
An installation mode in which the product files are installed in a location (usually a PC hard disk) that one or more users will access.
Opens the Status application, which allows you to gather information about session activity, trace API calls, and trace communications activities as you work in your session. Use this type of information for session diagnostics.
Status Bar
Toggles the status bar, which appears at the bottom of the display session screen, off and on. he status bar displays messages (such as descriptions of the selected menu item); indicates whether Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock are on or off; and displays the current time. A check mark appears in front of this item when the status bar is displayed. To hide this feature, select Status Bar from the View menu.
Terminal keystroke
A keystroke that a terminal sends to a host.Some terminal keystrokes, such as Transmit, are common to almost all emulators. Other terminal keystrokes, such as FCCGenerate for UTS or Mark for T27, are unique to the emulators.
Terminal type
A terminal emulation product. For example, UTS comes with three terminal types: UTS20, UTS40, and UTS60.
A set of buttons that, with one mouse click, allows you to quickly perform functions such as opening a new session. Select View, Toolbars to select a new toolbar, add new toolbars and toolbar buttons, and edit toolbars and individual buttons.
Toolbar Editor
An Accessory Manager program that you can use to create and edit toolbars.Using the Toolbar Editor, you can place buttons on a toolbar and specify the action that each button should perform.
Transfer File
Opens the Transfer File dialog box where you can send and receive files.
Transfer Multiple Files
Opens the Transfer Multiple Files dialog box, where you can create a list of files and transfer them as a batch to or from the host.
Translation table
A file that indicates which characters should be switched for other characters. Translation tables can be used to translate data into European and Asian languages. They can also be used to modify data sent to a printer. Several translation tables are provided with Accessory Manager; they have the file extension .TBL.
The communication software that enables a PC to communicate with a host via a specific type of network.For example, the InfoConnect TCP/IP Transport enables communication via a TCP/IP network.
Universal Resource Locator (URL)
An Internet site address that typically starts with a protocol name followed by the organization that maintains the site. The suffix identifies the kind of organization. For example, identifies the Web server for Micro Focus. The http://www indicates that it is a Web server that uses the http protocol, and the .com suffix identifies Micro Focus as a commercial site. Generally, commercial URLs end with .com, educational URLs end with edu., military URLs end with .mil, and government URLs end with .gov. If the URL points to a specific page, additional information such as a port name, the directory in which the page is located, and the name of the page file is included. Web pages authored using HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) often end with an .htm or .html extension.
Up position
The state that most toolbar buttons are in until you click them. When you click a button, it goes into the down position. The action associated with the button determines whether the button remains in the down position or resumes the up position after you click it. Currently, only the Connect action keeps the button in the down position after it is clicked.
Working keyboard map
The keyboard map you are currently editing or creating.