Path Tree

The left pane of the Gateway Administrator application window displays a tree view of the paths that are available.

At the top of the tree is an icon for the server where the InfoConnect database is located (such as C:\Users\Public\Documents\Micro Focus\InfoConnect\), followed by three icons: Monitor, Configure, and Host Paths. The Monitor icon causes the Gateway Monitor to open in the right pane. The Configure icon opens a Transfiguration page in the right pane, providing information on configuration translations. The Host Paths folder contains an icon for each host path that you have created for the Gateway.

As you create host paths, these paths appear on the path tree.

To expand or collapse the path tree, double-click the server name or icon, or click the + or - symbol next to the server icon.

When the server icon is collapsed, the + symbol appears next to it. When the server icon is expanded, the - symbol appears next to it.

To create a host path

  1. From the Path menu, click Add Host Path.

    You can also create a host path when creating a configuration translation.

  2. Respond to the prompts in the Host Path Wizard.

    The information you are prompted for varies, depending on which transport you are using.

    When you are prompted for a value that must be unique to each host connection, such as the terminal address (TA), you can also specify a number in the Multiplier text box. The multiplier creates the specified number of automatically incremented values. For example, to create a pooled connection path with ten TAs, you would specify the beginning TA and then type 10 in the Multiplier text box.

To modify a path

  1. From the path treeGLOSSARY_PATH_TREE, select the path that you want to edit.

  2. In the right pane of the Gateway Administrator application window, make your changes to the path.

    The items that appear here vary, depending on which type of path you clicked. If the application window displays a Configure Path or Configure Channel button, be sure to click these buttons to configure the path.

    To change a pooled connection path into a single connection path, delete all the pooled ASCUs, GTIDs, or LNIATAs in the list box, then add the new single connection path. To change a single connection path into a pooled connection path, type the ASCU, GTID, or LNIATA in the appropriate text box and click Add.

  3. From the Path menu, click Save.

    If you modify a path that is currently in use, no disruption occurs in communication, but the changes will not take effect until the next time the path is used. It is recommended that you modify paths only when they are not in use.

To enable or disable tracing a path

  1. From the path tree, click the path for which you want to enable or disable tracing.

  2. If the right pane of the application window displays more than one tab, click the Path tab.

  3. Do one of the following:

    To do this

    Do this

    Enable tracing for the path

    Select Traced.

    Disable tracing for the path

    Clear Traced.

    When you trace a session, you can specify whether to trace all paths or only paths that have tracing enabled.

  4. From the Path menu, click Save.

To hide or show a path

  1. From the path tree, click the path that you want to hide or show.

  2. If the right pane of the application window displays more than one tab, click the Path tab.

  3. Do one of the following:

    To do this

    Do this

    Hide the path

    Select Hidden.

    Display the path

    Clear Hidden.

    Hidden paths do not appear in the InfoConnect Manager application window unless you are logged onto that application as an administrator.

  4. From the Path menu, click Save.

To enable or disable system use of a path

  1. From the path tree, click the path for which you want to enable or disable system use.

  2. If the right pane of the application window displays more than one tab, click the Path tab.

  3. Do one of the following:

    To do this

    Do this

    Mark the path for internal use by other transports

    Select System.

    Make the path available for use with applications

    Clear System.

    System paths do not appear in the InfoConnect Manager application window unless you are logged onto that application as an administrator.

  4. From the Path menu, click Save.