There are two types of host paths:
Single connection paths
A single connection path contains configuration data for only one connection to a host. If you create single connection paths, you must create one for each networked PC that connects to InfoConnect Airlines Gateway. For example, if 50 networked PCs connect to InfoConnect Airlines Gateway, you must create 50 single connection paths.
Using single connection paths does provide greater security because you can assign a particular path to each networked PC.
Pooled connection paths
A pooled connection path contains configuration data for multiple connections to a host. If you create pooled connection paths, you need to create only one for all the networked PCs that connect to InfoConnect Airlines Gateway. For example, if 50 networked PCs connect to InfoConnect Airlines Gateway, all 50 can connect to the host using the same pooled connection path.
You should use good judgement for your situation when creating pooled connection paths. With multiple users accessing the same path, pooled connection host paths do not offer the same security level provided by single connection host paths.
You can have both a single connection host path and a pooled host path going to the same host. For example, if you had one printer and 50 terminals, you might configure the terminal to use a single connection path and the terminals to use a pooled connection path.
Determining the Number of PCs Using a Pooled Connection Path
The number of networked PCs that can use a pooled connection path varies, depending on how many host addresses you assign to that path. For example, you could create a pooled connection path called MATIP_1 and assign 20 host addresses to that path. Each time a networked PC connects to InfoConnect Airlines Gateway and uses that path, one of the host addresses is assigned to that PC. Once 20 networked PCs have accessed the path, all the available host addresses will be in use, and no other networked PCs will be able to access the host using that path. If the pooled connection path contains fewer host addresses than the number of networked PCs that will be connecting to InfoConnect Airlines Gateway, you must create multiple pooled connection paths.
Some things to consider when you are determining the number of PCs that will use a pooled connection path:
One pooled connection path with many host addresses
Advantage: Easy to remember the name
Disadvantage: Longer access time during connection of the client slows down the connection process
Multiple pooled connection paths with fewer host addresses
Advantage: You can group pooled connections by name, for example: Accounting, Sales, Second Floor, etc.
Disadvantage: More paths to maintain