The Attachmate SNA Gateway via TCP/IP General Page

Use this page to configure an Attachmate SNA Gateway connection via TCP/IP. You can define a new connection configuration, edit an existing configuration, or you can enable or disable a configuration from the Connection list. This page also has copy/paste features which make it easier to create a series of connection configurations.

Table 64 SNA Gateway TCP/IP Options



Connection list

Displays the currently available connection definitions and shows the parameters for each definition. You can configure up to six connections for each session.

You can clear the check box to the left of each server to disable a specific configuration. If a server displayed in the list is going to be down for an extended period of time, you can disable it (without deleting it), and reconfigure the server later.

Gateway Name

Specifies the names of the gateways to which you want to attach. Place a check in the box next to the gateways to which you want to attempt to connect for your session.

Group Name

Specifies a group to which the gateway belongs. Extra! will connect to the gateway from this group with the lightest load.

Resource Name

Specifies a selected resource from the gateway. This resource is common to the other gateways in the selected gateway's group as well.


Configures a new connection.


Modifies the selected connection.


Removes the selected connection entry from the Connection list.


Copies the selected entry from the Connection list to a temporary buffer.


Pastes the selected entry from the temporary buffer into the Connection list.

List Retries

Enable Infinite List Retries: Continues to attempt a connection until successful.

Number of Retries: Indicates the number of times Extra! will try to make a connection after each unsuccessful attempt. Use the arrows to increase or decrease the number of retries. You can select a number between 0 and 99. The default is 0.

Delay Between Gateways (secs)

Indicates the amount of time (seconds) Extra! will wait before trying the next selected gateway in the Connection list. The default is 3 seconds.

Connection Timeout (secs)

Indicates the amount of time (seconds) Extra! will wait to establish a connection. The default is 10 seconds.

Up/Down Buttons

Reorders the gateway names within the Connection list. The order determines which gateway name is tried first, then second, and so on until a connection is made.

Port Number

Port 2317 is assigned to Extra!. It is recommended that this value remain unchanged unless it conflicts with another TCP application.

Enable Gateway Failure Rollover

If this option is selected and the connected gateway fails after the session is established, Extra! attempts to continue the session by connecting to the next gateway in the Connection list.

In this section