Using this tab, you can associate a color scheme, HotSpot scheme, macro, QuickPad, or toolbar with specific host screen or group of host screens. You can associate multiple items with a host screen, but only one of each type of item. For example, you can associate one color scheme and one QuickPad with a host screen, but not two QuickPads.
This displays the color scheme, HotSpot scheme, macro, QuickPad, or toolbar that is currently associated with the selected host screen or group of host screens.
Click this button to associate the selected color scheme, HotSpot scheme, macro, QuickPad, toolbar, or URL with the selected host screen.
If an item of the same type is already associated with the host screen, clicking this button replaces the existing item with the selected item. For example, if the QuickPad T27EDIT is already associated with the host screen and you click T27FUNC from the Available Settings list box and click Add, T27FUNC replaces T27EDIT as the QuickPad associated with the host screen.
Click this button to remove the selected color scheme, HotSpot scheme, macro, QuickPad, toolbar, or URL from the list of items associated with the selected host screen.
Available Settings
This displays the color schemes, HotSpot schemes, macros, QuickPads, and toolbars that you can associate with the selected host screen. If you installed HiBrow, this also displays the URLs that you can associate with a recorded host screen.
You can associate multiple items with a host screen, but only one of each type of item. For example, you can associate one color scheme and one QuickPad with a host screen, but not two QuickPads.