New Session Wizard

Using the New Session Wizard, you can create sessions for any host. You can run this wizard when you first run Accessory Manager or whenever a session is open, and you can create as many sessions as your hard disk space allows.

The prompts that appear when you run the New Session Wizard vary, depending on which product you are creating a session for.

If you're creating an T27, UTS, or ALC session and you have not yet created any InfoConnect paths for that emulator type, the New Session Wizard automatically launches the Add Path Wizard so that you can create an InfoConnect path.

The wizard creates a session with default settings that determine how the session appears and operates. You can later edit these settings to accommodate your preferences. You can also edit the default session profiles that sessions created by the New Session Wizard are based on.

To open a session

If the session that you want to open is among the last four items you have opened, click the session from the list of items on the File menu. The selected session opens automatically.

Alternative ways to open a session:

  • Click on the toolbar and complete the Open Session dialog box.

  • From the File menu, click Open Session and complete the Open Session dialog box.

  • Right-click Accessory Manager's application window, then click Open Session from the pop-up menu and complete the Open Session dialog box.

  • Create a shortcut for the session on the desktop. To open the session, simply double-click the shortcut. (Refer to your Windows documentation for information on this procedure.)

    Create a shortcut for Accessory Manager on the desktop and add the session name (including the .ADP file extension) after the executable file name in the Target text box. (Refer to your Windows documentation for information on this procedure.)

    You can open up to ten sessions simultaneously.

    IMPORTANT:It is recommended that you not use the default session profiles in the TEMPLATE folder (such as UTS60.ADP or MT.ADP) as working sessions. If you have not already created sessions, you should do so and use those instead.

To connect to a host

  1. If a session is not already open, open one.

  2. If the session is not configured to use a specific InfoConnect path, the Select InfoConnect Path dialog box appears. Double-click the desired path.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Click Connect on the toolbar.

    • From the Session menu, click Connect.

    NOTE:Depending on which transport the path uses, you might be able to configure the path to connect to a host automatically when you open the session.

To disconnect from a host

  1. Log off the host using the host's logoff procedure.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click on the toolbar.

    • From the Session menu, click Disconnect.

To save a session

  • Click on the toolbar.


    From the File menu, click Save Session.

    If you are saving a new session, complete the Save As dialog box.

    If you are saving an existing session, the session is saved under its current name and remains open until you close it.

To save a session under a different name

  1. If the session that you want to save under a different name is not already open, open it.

    NOTE:If you change the session and want to retain those changes in the original session profile, be sure to save the session using the Save Session command before you save it under a different name. Otherwise, the original session will not reflect the changes you have made.

  2. From the File menu, click Save Session As.

  3. Complete the Save As dialog box.

    The session remains open under its new name until you close it.

To close a session

  1. From the File menu, click Close Session.

  2. From the Control menu for the session window, click Close.

  3. Double-click on the Control-menu icon for the session window.

  4. Press CTRL+F4.

    You are prompted to save any changes to the session configuration.

    NOTE:If Accessory Manager is being run programmatically by another application, Accessory Manager closes when you close the last open session or editor.

To close all sessions

  • From the File menu, click Close All.


    Right-click Accessory Manager's application window, then click Close All from the pop-up menu.

    You are prompted to save any changes to any of the session configurations.