Blind Key Programming

Blind key programming is a mechanism for changing the function of a keystroke on a keyboard map without using the Keyboard Map Editor.


Because blind key programming does modify the keyboard map, the following criteria must be met before you can use blind key programming:

  • The session must use a keyboard map.

    To verify this, click Settings from the Options menu, click Keyboard Maps from the Categories list box, and verify that a keyboard map other than Default is selected.

  • Security must be disabled for the following commands:

    • Start/Stop Blind Key Programming (Tools menu)

    • Run Keyboard Map Editor (Applications Commands menu)

    • Keyboard Maps (Change Settings menu)

    NOTE:By default, security for these commands is disabled


You can initiate blind key programming from the Tools menu. You can also add the Start/Stop Blind Key Programming action to a keystroke, toolbar, QuickPad, or HotSpot. A message appears in the status bar when keystrokes are being recorded. In addition, if you click a blind key programming button on a toolbar, the button remains in the down state while keystrokes are being recorded.

You can associate as many keystrokes as you want with any key or combination keystroke. For example, you can program CTRL+u to type your user name, tab, your password, and transmit. The only key you cannot program using blind key programming is the key used to initiate blind key programming.

To program a keystroke using blind key programming

  1. From the Tools menu, click Start Blind Key Programming, or press CTRL+F12.

    If this menu item is dimmed (unavailable), the session might not be using a keyboard map, or security might be enabled for required functions. For information about loading a keyboard map, click Related Topics below. For information about security, click Administrative Help from Accessory Manager's Help menu. (This item is not available if you ran NETSETUP or USRSETUP. Contact your administrator for more information.)

  2. Press the key or combination keystroke that you want to program.

    The only key you cannot program using blind key programming is the key used to initiate blind key programming (by default, this is CTRL+F12).

  3. Perform the functions that you want to assign to the key or combination keystroke that you pressed in step 2.

    For example, suppose the + key performs the transmit function. If you initiate blind key programming, press F2, press +, and then stop blind key programming, the F2 key will then perform the transmit function.

    You can associate as many keystrokes as you want with any key or combination keystroke. For example, you can program CTRL+u to type your user name, a tab, your password, and transmit.

    To stop blind key programming at any time without saving your changes, press Esc.

  4. From the Tools menu, click Stop Blind Key Programming, or press CTRL+F12.

To delete an action from a keystroke using blind key programming

  1. From the Tools menu, click Start Blind Key Programming, or press CTRL+F12.

    If this menu item is dimmed (unavailable), the session might not be using a keyboard map, or security might be enabled for required functions. For information about loading a keyboard map, click Related Topics below. For information about security, click Administrative Help from Accessory Manager's Help menu. (This item is not available if you ran NETSETUP or USRSETUP; contact your administrator for more information.)

  2. Press the key or combination keystroke whose function you want to delete.

    The only key whose function you cannot delete using blind key programming is the key used to initiate blind key programming (by default, this is CTRL+F12).

  3. From the Tools menu, click Stop Blind Key Programming, or press CTRL+F12.

    IMPORTANT:This procedure eliminates all functionality from the key or combination keystroke. For example, if the + key performs transmit, and you delete this action, the + key will not perform transmit, nor will it perform the plus symbol. No action will be associated with that key.