
A HotSpot is a portion of the session window that, when you click it using the left mouse button, performs any of the following functions:

  • Sends keystrokes

  • Runs a macro

  • Runs an application

  • Loads a scheme

  • Performs any function that can be performed using Accessory Manager's menus

Text HotSpots

Text HotSpots are HotSpots that are associated with any single character or group of characters, such as the letter x or the word Enter. For example, if you define the word Enter as a text HotSpot, that word will be a HotSpot on every host screen in which that word appears. Whenever you click the word Enter using the left mouse button, the action associated with that HotSpot will be performed.When you define a text HotSpot, you can specify whether all matching characters should be HotSpots, or only matching characters that occur in a specific column or row. You can also specify whether a text HotSpot is case-sensitive, preceded or followed by a space, or automatically invoked whenever it appears on the screen. (If a HotSpot is automatically invoked, you do not have to click it to make it perform its action; it performs the action as soon as it appears on the screen.)

Region HotSpots

Region HotSpots are rectangular areas of the screen that might or might not contain text. When you enlarge or reduce the size of the session window, the HotSpot enlarges or reduces proportionally. However, since HotSpots are in fixed locations, if Autosize Window is cleared on the Font tab, you might not be able to access certain HotSpots when you resize the session window.

Region HotSpots remain in the same position and perform the same functions no matter what display appears on the screen. For example, if you configure HotSpots to perform certain functions on a particular host screen, they will always perform that function, even if the host screen changes.

HotSpot Activation

You have the option to execute HotSpots by a single or double mouse click. Click the desired button to determine the appropriate method.

HotSpot Appearance

When HotSpots are enabled, you can make either type visible or invisible. For example, you might make text HotSpots visible, but region HotSpots invisible. Even when a HotSpot is invisible, the mouse pointer turns into a hand with the index finger extended when it is over a HotSpot.

Visible text HotSpots can appear on the screen in three ways:

  • Filled rectangle

  • Outline rectangle

  • Recessed panel

Visible region HotSpots can appear as outline rectangles or recessed panels.

How HotSpots Work

HotSpots take precedence over any other left mouse button click functions. For example, if you configure the left mouse button click to select a word, enable HotSpots, and then click a word that is a HotSpot, Accessory Manager performs the action associated with the HotSpot rather than selecting the word.

Normally, HotSpots are saved as part of the session profile and can be used whenever that session is open. However, you can also save one or more HotSpots as a scheme that can be loaded for any session or associated with a recorded host screen.

If you no longer want to use one or more HotSpots, you can remove them from the session profile or scheme. However, if the HotSpot is saved in the session profile, it remains there until you save the session.

To create a HotSpot

  1. If a session is not already open, open one.

  2. From the Options menu, click Settings.

  3. From the Categories list box, click HotSpots.

  4. Click the Assignments tab.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Complete the Add HotSpot dialog box.

To use a HotSpot

  1. If a session is not already open, open one.

  2. If HotSpots are not enabled, enable them.

  3. Move the mouse pointer over the desired HotSpot. The mouse pointer turns into a hand with the index finger extended when it is over a HotSpot.

  4. Click the left mouse button.

    The action associated with the HotSpot is performed.

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