Advanced Tab

Using this tab, you can specify the session file names to associate with HLLAPI short names.

To associate a short name with a session, or to change the session that is currently associated with a HLLAPI short name, click the desired HLLAPI short name, then click Browse and select the session to associate with that short name.

For information about developing InfoConnect HLLAPI applications and using these applications with Accessory Manager, refer to the InfoConnect HLLAPI Programmer's Reference, which is included with the Automation Development Kit (ADK), which is purchased separately.

Advanced Tab Settings



Click this button to remove the session file name from the selected HLLAPI short name.

Keyboard Type

Changes the keyboard type from the one selected during the Setup process.

Shared Among All Users

When this option is selected, session files are associated with the same HLLAPI short names for all users of this computer.

Unique To Each User

When this option is selected, each user can set up their own HLLAPI short name associations.

To associate a HLLAPI short name with a session name

  1. From the Options menu, click Global Preferences.

  2. Click the Advanced tab.

  3. Click the desired HLLAPI short name.

  4. Click Browse and double-click the file name of the session to associate with that short name.

    If a session file name is already associated with the selected short name, the new session file name replaces the previous one.

To remove a session name from a HLLAPI short name

  1. From the Options menu, click Global Preferences.

  2. Click the Advanced tab.

  3. Click the HLLAPI short name that you no longer want to associate with a particular session.

  4. Click Remove.

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