Settings - Connection Dialog

Using this dialog box, you can specify which InfoConnect path to use for this session. You can also specify what to do when the session is disconnected, and which graphics protocol to use.

Manual Connect

Select this option to prevent automatic connection to the host in the following circumstances:

  • When you open a session

  • When Accessory Manager is configured to open a session automatically

  • When a timed-out session is reopened

Choose Path at Session Startup

Select this option if you want to select the InfoConnect path each time you open this session. If you clear this option, you can select the path to use for this session automatically.

Clear Screen at Session Disconnect

Select this option to clear all text from the screen when disconnecting from the host.

Path ID

If Choose Path At Session Startup is cleared, click the path to use for this session.This path will be used automatically each time you open this session.

If you installed your InfoConnect products as standalone products and no paths appear in this list box, then no paths for this type of session exist in the InfoConnect database. Click Add to run the Add Path Wizard and create a path.

If you're sharing your InfoConnect products and no paths appear in this list box, the administrator might not have created paths for you, or you might have logged onto Windows using an unknown user name. (This name is case-sensitive.) Exit Accessory Manager and log on to Windows using the correct logon name, or contact your administrator about creating a path for you.

Path Description

This area displays the description associated with the path selected from the Path ID list box.

  • Add

    Click this button to run the Add Path Wizard so that you can create a new path.

    If you're using 32-bit transports that do not support the Add Path Wizard, you must create paths using the InfoConnect Database Editor. Click Edit to run this applicatio

  • Edit

    Click this button to run the InfoConnect Database Editor so that you can modify any path in your InfoConnect database.

Host Disconnect Action

Click the action to take when the session is disconnected:

  • (No Special Action): No action is taken (the session window remains open, but no attempt is made to reconnect).

  • Auto Reconnect: Automatically reconnects the session after receiving an error message

  • Close Session:Closes the session window

  • Silent Reconnect: Automatically reconnects the session without receiving an error message

NOTE:These actions apply only to sessions that you open when you are running Accessory Manager directly. If Accessory Manager is being run programmatically by another application, no special action is taken, even if one is selected here. In addition, not all transports support these options

Host Graphics Type

Click the appropriate graphics protocol for this session:

  • (No Host Graphics):You have not installed InfoConnect GraphX

  • MAPPER: You installed InfoConnect GraphX and are connecting to a Unisys ClearPath IX Series or 1100/2200 Series host

  • MAPPER A: You installed InfoConnect GraphX and are connecting to a Unisys ClearPath NX/LX or A Series host

  • MAPPER C:You installed InfoConnect GraphX and are connecting to a UNIX host