Active Term, included as a feature of Accessory Manager, is useful if you prefer to use a browser as your primary application (for example, when you’re working with a corporate intranet) and you only occasionally need access to host data.
Using ActiveTerm, you can open a session as a terminal plug-in within any Internet browser that can host an ActiveX document, such as Internet Explorer.
When you open a session within a browser, most of the browser's menu items remain the same. However, some functions (such as Find in the Edit menu) do not apply to Accessory Manager sessions, and these items are dimmed. Accessory Manager's Edit and View menus replace the browser's Edit and View menus. Several Accessory Manager menus (such as Tools, Session, and Options) are also added to the browser's menu bar. However, the browser's File menu remains intact, as do any other menus. (You can access some of the functions of Accessory Manager's File menu using the default toolbar. All other File menu functions can be accessed by mapping these functions to a toolbar, keyboard map, QuickPad, or HotSpot. However, opening and saving layout files does not work within a browser.)
The browser's toolbar remains on the application window, and the emulator's toolbar also appears above the session window. You can also click the emulator's toolbar and move it anywhere on your desktop.
You can use the browser's mechanisms for browsing forward and backward, switching between the session and other URLs. You can also open multiple sessions within the browser (such as an T27 and a UTS session, or two T27 sessions) and switch between them.
NOTE:When you move from a session to a URL or from one session to another, the session window remains accessible, but the connection to the host closes. When you switch back to the session, you must click on the toolbar or click Connect from the Session menu to re-establish the connection to the host. Depending on the transport you use, this might re-display the host logon screen rather than the host screen that was displayed when your connection to the host was last established.
To open a session within another application
Run the application that you want to use to open the session.
You can open a session within any application that can host an ActiveX document, such as Internet Explorer or any Microsoft Office application.
From the File menu, click Open.
Type the file name of the session or bookmark file that you want to open. Be sure to include the drive and directory. For example, you might type C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICRO FOCUS\INFOCNEE\ACCMGR32\INT1_1.ADP.
You can also click Browse and select the desired file. If you do this, be sure to click All Files from the Files Of Type list box, or type *.ADP or *.BKM in the File Name text box and click OK. This ensures that correct files appear in the list.
You can open session (.ADP) files and bookmark (.BKM) files, but not layout (.AWW) files.
When you click OK on the Open dialog box, the specified session opens within the application window. (If you are prompted about whether to open the file or save it to disk, click the option to open it.)