InfoConnect VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.IbmHosts Library / IbmScreen Object / PutText2 Method
The text to place on the screen.
The row of the screen location to put the text in.
The column of the screen location to put the text in.
PutText2 Method (IbmScreen)

Puts text at a specified screen location. PutText2 has two modes: Mask and LinearStream. These modes are set with the PutTextMaskProtectedField Property.

In Mask mode (the default), text that coincides with protected fields is skipped and is not placed on the screen.

In LinearStream mode, protected fields are ignored and the text is placed sequentially in unprotected fields until all of the text is placed on the screen.

expression.PutText2( _
   ByVal text As String, _
   ByVal row As Integer, _
   ByVal column As Integer _
) As ReturnCode
where expression is a variable that represents a IbmScreen Object


The text to place on the screen.
The row of the screen location to put the text in.
The column of the screen location to put the text in.

Return Value

One of the following ReturnCode enum values.

Member Description
Cancelled Cancelled.
Error Error.
PermissionRequired Permission is required.
Success Success.
Timeout Timeout condition.
Truncated The text is truncated.

This exception is thrown if the row or column parameters are outside the range of valid values: (1 to Rows) or (1 to Columns).

By default, the PutText methods (PutText1 and PutText2) are set to use Mask mode. You can use the PutTextMaskProtectedField Property to change to LinearStream mode.

The following examples show the differences between using the Mask and LinearStream modes on the following screen.


ADDR1 : - ___________________ - CITY: - _________ - ST: - __ - ZIP: - _________

ADDR2 : - 705 5th Ave S -------- CITY: Seattle ---- ST: - WA-ZIP: - 33764-9740

PHONE1: - 555-555-5555 - PHONE2: __________ being cu

PWD1=>: ----------------------- PWD2=>: ---------- _____________ d sent in full


Using PutText2 in Mask mode

This example shows how text is put on the screen when the PutTextMaskProtectedField Property is set to mask mode.

Sub PutTextUsingMaskMode

Dim str As String

str = "This is a test to see if any memo text is being cut off unexpectedly and sent in full"

ThisIbmScreen.PutTextMaskProtectedField = PutTextModeOption_Mask

ThisIbmScreen.PutText2 str, 5, 10

End Sub

The protected fields are masked. The parts of the text string that coincide with the protected fields are skipped and are not placed on the screen.


ADDR1 : - This is a test to se - CITY: - y memo tex - ST: - be - ZIP: - t off inex

ADDR2 : - 705 5th Ave S --------- CITY: Seattle ---- ST: - WA-ZIP: - 33764-9740

PHONE1: - 555-555-5555 - PHONE2: -being cut off

PWD1=>: ----------------------- PWD2=>: ---------d sent in full


Using PutText2 in LinearStream mode

This example shows how text is put on the screen when the PutTextMaskProtectedField Property is set for linear stream mode.

Sub PutTextUsingLinearStreamMode

Dim str As String

str = "This is a test to see if any memo text is being cut off unexpectedly and sent in full"

ThisIbmScreen.PutTextMaskProtectedField = PutTextModeOption_LinearStream

ThisIbmScreen.PutText2 str, 5, 10

End Sub

The protected fields are ignored and the text is pasted into the next unprotected field or hidden field (In this example, the "unexpectedly an" part of the string is put into hidden fields PWD1 and PWD2). All of the text is placed on the screen.


ADDR1 : - This is a test to se CITY: - e if any m - ST: - em - ZIP: - o text is

ADDR2 : -705 5th Ave S --------- CITY: Seattle e--- ST: - WA-ZIP: - 33764-9740

PHONE1: - 555-555-5555 PHONE2: - being cut off

PWD1=>: ----------------------- PWD2=>: --------- d sent in full


For more about using the PutText2 method, see:

Navigating Through Open Systems Sessions

Get Screen Data With an Excel Macro

Enter Data from an Excel Spreadsheet

Get Data From a Spreadsheet


This example enters a user name and prompts for a password after the session connects.

To run this sample, copy the code to the ThisIbmTerminal code window.

Private Sub IbmTerminal_AfterConnect(ByVal sender As Variant)
    Dim rcode As ReturnCode
    Dim pw As String
    'Prompt for a password
    pw = ThisIbmTerminal.Macro.PasswordBox("enter your password", "password")
    'Move the cursor to the user name field and put the user id in that field
    rcode = ThisIbmScreen.MoveCursorTo1(20, 16)
    rcode = ThisIbmScreen.PutText2("userid", 20, 16)
    'Put the password in the password field
    rcode = ThisIbmScreen.PutText2(pw, 21, 16)
    'Enter the user ID and password
    ThisIbmScreen.SendControlKey ControlKeyCode_Transmit
End Sub
See Also