InfoConnect VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / TraceFormatOption Enumeration
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TraceFormatOption Enumeration
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Specifies the type of trace to perform. The default is TraceDefault.
TraceDefaultCaptures both incoming and outgoing data. The traced data does not include timing information.
TraceEventsCaptures all communications activity, keystrokes, commands, and menu selections.
TraceIncomingOnlyCaptures incoming data only. This option does not format the data in any way, and does not include timing information.
TraceTextOnlyCaptures incoming text data only, excluding any escape sequences. This option does not format the data in any way, and does not include timing information.
TraceTimedCaptures both incoming and outgoing data, and includes information about when data moved between the PC and the host, in HH:MM:SS.hh notation.
See Also