InfoConnect API Guide
Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.T27 Namespace
    In This Topic
    InterfaceProperties, methods, and events for T27 file transfer
    InterfaceDefines the interface for the API screen object supporting T27 terminal connections.
    InterfaceT27 Terminal Object
    EnumerationDefines options for carriage return interpretation in T27 terminals.
    EnumerationDefines options for Clear key interpretation in T27 forms.
    EnumerationDefines options for DC1 character interpretation in T27 terminals.
    EnumerationDefines options for DC2 character interpretation in T27 terminals.
    EnumerationSpecifies the transfer protocol that will be used for a T27 session.
    EnumerationDefines options for line feed interpretation in T27 terminals.
    EnumerationOptions for file transfer behavior/what to do when the local file already exists
    See Also