InfoConnect API Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.PTR Namespace / RouteHostStatus Enumeration

RouteHostStatus Enumeration
Values for the host status, which is the status of the InfoConnect host path.
Public Enum RouteHostStatus 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As RouteHostStatus
BrokenThe InfoConnect host path lost the active host connection. How to determine this varies by transport type.
ClosedThe InfoConnect host path is inactive.
ConnectedThe InfoConnect host path is connected to a destination. This usually indicates an active connection with the host.
DupIDTwo workstations are using the same terminal identifier (TID) to configure a host path.
EstablishedThe InfoConnect host path is established, but the host connection is not yet active.
NoCfgFileThe configuration file is invalid, nonexistent, or empty.
NoTermIDThe TID in the host path is not found in the PEPGate configuration file
PollingThe InfoConnect host path has an active host connection. How to determine this varies by transport type.
SecDeniedThe IP address for the workstation is not listed in the configuration file
TransmittingThe InfoConnect host path is sending data.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also