Name | Description | |
AllowColorTableChanges | Gets or sets a value indicating whether InfoConnect responds to host commands that are related to color table changes. | |
AllowJIS | Gets or sets a value indicating whether JIS escape sequences are allowed when other host character sets are selected. | |
AnswerBack | Gets or sets a string that is sent to the host when InfoConnect receives an Enq character from the host. | |
AutoAnswerback | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the answerback message (set with the AnswerBack property) is automatically sent to the host after a communications line connection. | |
AutoConnect | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to attempt to establish a host connection as soon as the current settings file is loaded. | |
BeforeConnectStartupAction | Gets or sets a sequence of action(s), such as running a macro, to run automatically before a connection is established. | |
BellEnabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether a bell sounds when the ASCII bell character (decimal 7) is transmitted from the keyboard or received from the host. | |
BlockTerminator | Gets or sets a block terminator character to be transmitted at the end of each block data transmission. | |
CacheSecureShellUserName | Gets or sets a value indicating whether InfoConnect caches the user name entered for a Secure Shell session. | |
CharacterSetTranslationEnabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the character set translation state is enabled. | |
CitrixIPAddress | Gets the IP address for a connection to a Citrix host. | |
CitrixPCName | Gets the PC name returned by a Citrix host. | |
CitrixUserName | Gets the Username value for a Citrix connection type. | |
ClearDisplayOnDisconnect | Gets or sets a value indicating how InfoConnect handles the display memory when you disconnect from the host. | |
CodePage | Gets the current DOS code page. | |
ConnectAction | Gets or sets a sequence of action(s), such as running a macro, to run automatically after a connection is established. | |
ConnectionError | Gets the error number that describes the specific cause of the most recent general connection failure (only when the last returned error has the value ErrConnectionError). | |
ConnectionErrorMessage | Gets the text string that describes the specific cause of the most recent general connection failure (only when the last returned error has the value ErrConnectionError). | |
ConnectionID | Gets the integer value that uniquely identifies the current connection. | |
ConnectionSettings | Gets the IConnectionSettings object. | |
ConnectionTimeVisible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the InfoConnect status bar displays the length of time you have been connected to a host. | |
ConnectionType | Gets or sets the connection type. | |
ContextMenus | Gets the ContextMenus object. | |
DASOApplicationID | Gets or sets the application ID to use for DASO (Digital Certificate Access Server Automated Sign On) support. | |
DASOPassTicket | Gets the pass ticket for DASO (Digital Certificate Access Server Automated Sign On). This field will be empty until a successful call to GetDASOPassTicket is executed. | |
DASOSessionName | Gets the session name that is used for DASO (Digital Certificate Access Server Automated Sign On). The session name and DASO application ID are used by the DASO server when mapping the current user to RACF logon credentials for host access. | |
DASOUserID | Gets the RACF USERID for DASO (Digital Certificate Access Server Automated Sign On). This field will be empty until a successful call to GetDASOPassTicket is executed. | |
DataStreamTranslation | Gets or sets whether InfoConnect translates characters from the host to the PC, and vice versa, using the current translation table. | |
DefaultHostSettings | Gets or sets whether InfoConnect uses default settings appropriate to a UNIX or OpenVMS host. | |
DefaultPrinter | Gets or sets the default printer to which InfoConnect sends printer output. | |
DeviceResponse | Gets or sets how InfoConnect responds to a primary device attribute request from the host (usually when logging on). | |
ElfAtochemEmulation | Gets or sets a value indicating whether Elf Autochem terminal emulation is enabled. | |
EnquireAcknowledge | Gets or sets a value indicating whether InfoConnect uses a form of handshaking called Enquire Acknowledge (EnqAck). | |
EnterKeyConnects | Gets or sets a value indicating how InfoConnect responds if the ENTER key is pressed when not connected to a host. | |
FileTransfer | Gets the FileTransfer object. | |
ForceC1Controls | Gets or sets a value indicating whether InfoConnect interprets character codes in certain host character sets. | |
GraphicsDestination | Gets or sets the destination of graphics when you print using the ReGIS hard copy command. | |
GraphicsFixScreen | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the onscreen graphic is periodically updated from the offscreen graphic. | |
GraphicsLevel | Use this property to match InfoConnect to the capabilities of a digital printer with regard to aspect ratio, horizontal grid size, background printing, and color printing. | |
GraphicsOutputCursor | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the graphics output cursor is displayed. | |
GraphicsPrintMode | Gets or sets how graphics images are printed. | |
GraphicsScrolling | Gets or sets a value indicating whether sixel images are scrolled. | |
GraphicsTerminalType | Gets ors sets which terminal is emulated, and how many shades or colors are available in ReGIS. | |
HorizontalCoupling | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column in which the cursor is located remains in the terminal window regardless of how the terminal window is resized, or which screen font size is used. | |
HorizontalScrollBarVisible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the horizontal scroll bar is visible. | |
HostCharacterSet | Gets or sets the host character set that InfoConnect uses when transmitting and receiving characters. | |
HostDescriptionFileName | Gets or sets the name and location of the host description file that is used by the GetHostElement method. | |
HostsFile | Gets or sets the file path for the file that is used to populate the Host name/IP Address Drop-down list on the Create New VT Document dialog box. | |
HostStatusLine | Gets or sets the current host status line display. | |
HostTriggerCharacter | Gets or sets the host trigger character value. | |
InstanceId | Gets the instance ID of the control. (Inherited from Attachmate.Reflection.Framework.IControl) | |
IsConnected | Gets a value indicating whether InfoConnect is connected. | |
IsDataCarrierHigh | Gets a value indicating whether the data carrier signal is high. Relevant only for serial connections. | |
IsGraphicsSupported | Gets a value indicating whether graphics is supported. | |
IsWinMASSSupported | Gets or sets a value indicating whether WinMASS software support is enabled. | |
KeyboardMapper | Gets the KeyboardMapper object. | |
LocalEcho | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the local computer "echoes" typed characters directly to the screen. | |
LogToSerialDevice | Gets or sets a value indicating whether data logged by the terminal is sent to the currently configured serial device. | |
Macro | Gets the Macro object. | |
MacrographReportsEnabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether macrograph reporting is enabled. | |
MappedNumLockPreservesNumLock | Gets or sets how InfoConnect responds to a NUM LOCK key press on the PC when it is mapped to emulate the action of a terminal key. | |
MouseMapper | Gets the MouseMapper object. | |
MouseShape | Gets or sets the appearance of the mouse pointer in the terminal window. | |
Name | Gets or sets the name of the control. (Inherited from Attachmate.Reflection.Framework.IControl) | |
NationalReplacementSet | Gets or sets the set of character translations that occur between the local computer and the host in 7-bit mode. | |
NRCEnabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the translations specified by the NationalReplacementSet property are performed. | |
OnLine | Gets or sets a value indicating whether InfoConnect is in remote mode or local mode. | |
PreserveNRC | Gets or sets a value indicating whether Digital terminals reset national replacement mode when a soft reset occurs. | |
ProcessDataComm | Gets or sets a value indicating whether InfoConnect processes incoming characters between calls to InfoConnect methods. | |
ProcessInvalidKeystrokes | Gets or sets how InfoConnect handles invalid keystrokes. | |
Productivity | Gets the Productivity object. | |
QuickPadsShowToolTips | Gets or sets a value indicating whether QuickPad controls display tooltips. | |
ReGISAlwaysGraphicsMode | Gets or sets ReGIS Graphics mode. | |
ReGISBufferSize | Gets or sets the size of the buffer reserved for caching ReGIS graphics. | |
ReGISV6 | Gets or sets how ReGIS graphics are handled. | |
RunMacroAtReconnect | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ConnectAction sequence is re-run after a session is reconnected. | |
SaveScrollingRegion | Gets or sets a save state for the scrolling region. | |
SaveSecureShellUserName | Gets or sets whether InfoConnect saves the user name when you save your settings files or record a connection macro. | |
SaveSessionOnClose | Gets or sets a close option, which indicates how to handle the save action when closing the control. | |
Screen | Gets the Screen object. | |
SendKeyboardModifierPrefix | Gets or sets a value indicating whether a SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT key press sends an escape sequence and, if the key is pressed in conjunction with other keys, prefixes the escape sequence to outbound data, in VT-UTF8 emulations. | |
SerialDevicePort | Gets or sets the serial port on the PC that is used as the terminal serial device port. | |
SerialDeviceSettings | Gets or sets the configuration parameters for the currently configured serial printer port. | |
SerialDeviceToHost | Gets or sets a value indicating whether data received from the currently configured serial device port is sent to the host. | |
SessionFilePath | Gets the session document file path. (Control properties are saved in session document files.) (Inherited from Attachmate.Reflection.Framework.IControl) | |
SessionLimitsNSVT | Gets or sets the maximum allowable number of simultaneous VT-MGR sessions. | |
SessionLimitsRlogin | Gets or sets the maximum allowable number of simultaneous Rlogin sessions. | |
SessionLimitsSecureShell | Gets or sets the maximum allowable number of simultaneous SecureShell sessions. | |
SessionLimitsTelnet | Gets or sets the maximum allowable number of simultaneous Telnet sessions. | |
ShowClassicStatusBar | Gets or sets the visibility of the status bar. This setting is only relevant when the workspace user interface mode is set to Classic. (This setting does not apply to Classic MDI mode.) The default is true. | |
ShowMenuBar | Gets or sets the visibility of the menu and toolbar. This setting is only relevant when the workspace user interface mode is set to Classic. (This setting does not apply to Classic MDI mode.) The default is true. | |
SingleByteUPSS | Gets or sets which Digital UPS character set that is used when SET HOST-CHARACTER-SET is set to a double-byte character set. | |
StartupConnection | Gets or sets the saved connection that is used when the StartupAction property is set to UseSavedConnection. | |
StatusBarText | Gets or sets the text displayed on the status bar. | |
StatusLineText | Gets or sets the current status line text. | |
TAPIVersion | Gets or sets the Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) that InfoConnect uses to connect the PC to telephone services. | |
TerminalSound | Gets or sets how beeps sound. | |
TerminalType | Gets or sets the terminal that InfoConnect is to emulate. | |
TerminalUserControlContext | This is an internal property used to determine the context of this terminal object usage. This is set to true if this terminal object is being used in a Terminal User Control context. | |
TextFileCharacterSet | Gets or sets whether InfoConnect uses the ASCII or ANSI character set. | |
Theme | Gets the Theme object. | |
TimeSinceConnected | Gets the time (in seconds) during which you have been connected. | |
TitleBarCaption | Gets or sets the string that appears in the title bar. This string is only relevant when the workspace user interface mode is set to Classic SDI. The caption length maximum value is 260 characters. The default is &f - &n | |
TraceFileName | Gets or sets a value indicating the name of the trace file that is created when Trace Session Start is true. | |
TraceFolder | Gets or sets the location of the folder where InfoConnect saves trace files that are created when Trace Session Start is true. | |
TraceSessionStart | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the InfoConnect Trace utility to begin tracing the moment InfoConnect starts. | |
UiControlActionMapper | Gets the object used to map actions to the user interface control and to retrieve the action sequence from the user interface control. | |
UseIPv6 | Gets or sets how InfoConnect communicates with a host using the IPv6 and older IPv4 protocols. | |
UseModemDialerV5 | Gets or sets which modem dialer is used to make modem connections. | |
UserData | Gets or sets data for the duration of the current InfoConnect session. | |
UserDefinedKeysLocked | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the host can alter the definitions of the user-defined keys. | |
UserFeaturesLocked | Gets or sets a value indicating whether certain features can be changed by the host. | |
VBCommonProject | Gets the Common VB Project (VBA use only) | |
VBProject | Gets the VB Project (VBA use only) | |
Version | Gets the version of the terminal session control. | |
VerticalScrollBarVisible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the vertical scroll bar is visible. | |
VT640Compatible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether InfoConnect switches back and forth automatically between Tektronix and VT terminal emulation when it receives VT640-compatible control characters from the host. | |
VTTek | Gets or sets VT340 Tektronix state. | |
WeakDeviceControlString | Gets or sets the device control string state. | |
WindowRows | Gets or sets the number of lines displayed on screen. | |
WTSIPAddress | Gets the IP address returned by Windows Terminal Server (WTS). | |
WTSPCName | Gets the PC name returned by Windows Terminal Server (WTS). | |
WTSUserName | Gets the user name returned by Windows Terminal Server (WTS). | |
WyseAcceptNulls | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the terminal accepts nulls from the host(for Wyse terminal emulation only). |