13.3 Performing Database Maintenance

When you start database maintenance, you can choose whether to perform concurrent database archiving.

If you do not select Perform concurrent archive, the Identity Governance server is put in an idle state before starting the archive, and it remains idle while the archive runs. The server does not start the database archive until any active Identity Governance background processes complete, and does not allow new background processes to start until archiving completes. Doing so ensures the database is in a logically consistent state, and that it remains in that state during archiving. No Identity Governance processes will run during archiving, and Identity Governance is not available for use. Therefore, if your archive process takes a long time, you may want to select Perform concurrent archive.

NOTE:Even a concurrent archive eventually must idle the Identity Governance server to finalize the archive.

If you select Perform concurrent archive, Identity Governance background processes may continue to run, and Identity Governance remains available. A concurrent archive comprises iterations, which are multiple archives. If a change occurs to the database during an archive, another iteration of the archive runs. Because each archive iteration archives only data that has changed since the last iteration, each iteration is an incremental archive that should have less data to archive than the previous iteration, and which reduces the amount of time it takes to archive. Ultimately, to achieve a logically consistent archive, the Identity Governance server must be idled for a final iteration. The final archive iteration is a non-concurrent archive, but because it was preceded by multiple incremental archives, the final archive iteration should not contain as much data to archive, which means Identity Governance is idled for only a very short period of time.

You must specify a time for the final iteration to occur. The final iteration will be produced on or after the specified time. The final archive iteration is, in effect, a non-concurrent archive. In addition to specifying a finalization time, you must specify a time interval to pause between archive iterations to control the number of archive iterations that occur between the time the concurrent archive starts and the time it is finalized.

NOTE:Perform concurrent archive is also an available option for scheduled maintenance that ensures Identity Governance processes are not idle during scheduled database maintenance periods.

If you perform a concurrent archive while an archival reader has accessed the archive, Identity Governance informs you that archiving is “Waiting on archival readers.” Click the message to view details about the maintenance you started, including the number of readers in progress. You can click the number for details about the readers and determine whether you want to continue waiting, or if you want to stop the readers and proceed with the archive.

NOTE:Proceeding with the archive while read activities are in progress can result in incomplete or canceled reports, or missing data.

Large databases that require a long time to archive run the risk of being interrupted before completion due to connectivity issues or system failures. If you selected Perform concurrent archive as a maintenance option, you can also select Resume archive to ensure the last archival process can continue from the point of interruption, rather than beginning again, when an interruption occurs then resolves.

Database maintenance also allows you to choose whether you want to clean up the database after you archive. For more information about database cleanup, see Section 13.6, Identifying Purgeable Data.

To archive databases and perform maintenance:

  1. Select Data Administration > Maintenance.

  2. (Optional) Calculate and view:

    • Summary of what will be archived in the next archive

    • Summary of items that could be purged

    NOTE:If your database is large, these summaries can take a long time to calculate and can consume significant server resources to produce. Click the Refresh icon to calculate or recalculate summaries. Calculated summaries expire after an hour, and you must click the Refresh icon to calculate them again. You can cancel a running calculation at any time.

  3. Click Start Maintenance.

  4. To purge data without archiving, disable Perform archive. Identity Governance cleans up only items that were previously archived in the archive database. However, if you select the option Disable Archiving, all items can be purged. To preserve your data, archive before clean up. You should also make sure your archive data is backed up in your company’s archive system before you disable archive.

    To purge data from the operations database after the archive process completes, enable Perform archive.

    NOTE:Identity Governance disables all user operations during the archiving process.

  5. To archive without stopping any processes currently in progress, select Perform concurrent archive, and then select values for the following items:

    • Finalize On Or After to specify the date and time to finalize the archive.

      NOTE:At the end of each iteration, Identity Governance checks if the current time is at or past the specified finalization time. If so, Identity Governance immediately starts the final archival iteration. If not, Identity Governance starts the next concurrent archival iteration.

    • Pause Between Iterations to specify the amount of time to pause after each archive iteration.

    • Resume archive to ensure the last interrupted archival process continues from the point of interruption, rather than beginning again, when the interruption is resolved and the archive restarts.

  6. Select whether to pause after the archive phase.

    IMPORTANT:If you pause after a phase, the system does not automatically transition to the next phase or exit maintenance mode until a user either manually starts the next phase, or exits maintenance mode, even if the archive fails or is canceled.

  7. Click OK.

13.3.1 Cleaning up Purgeable Data

Database maintenance allows you to choose to clean up the database after you archive. In the Cleanup Options tab, you can specify the instances you want to clean up, view the entities eligible for cleanup, and view the last time this data was calculated. Under the Advanced cleanup options, the data is grouped and sub-grouped by entity type. You can expand and collapse the entity types to specify the entities or entity types you want to clean up. You can select the number of retention days per entity type, and Identity Governance propagates that number to all its entities. However, you have the option to change the number for each entity. Identity Governance retains the data before it makes the data available for clean up. The number of items refers to the entity instances available for clean up.

NOTE:If you disable archiving and then enable it, cleanup could result in no results, because data was not archived, and no cleanup occurred. Be sure you enable archiving and refresh to update the number of items available for cleanup.

To clean up databases:

  1. Select Data Administration > Maintenance.

  2. Click Start Maintenance.

  3. Select Cleanup Options.

  4. (Optional) Deselect Perform Cleanup to archive data without cleanup.

    NOTE:When Perform Cleanup is enabled, Identity Governance cleans up data after archiving. You can access the application and perform all governance operations while cleanup is running.

  5. (Optional) Select whether to pause after the cleanup phase.

  6. (Optional) Specify the number of Retention Days if you want Identity Governance to cleanup data based on the global retention day settings. This setting applies to all entity types and their instances. However, if you select a retention day for a specific entity or its instance, the selected value takes precedence.

    We recommend that you keep all your operations data for 30 days except for review instances and request data. We recommend that you keep your review and request instances for 90 days and archive every week.

  7. Click show to view the list of entity types eligible for cleanup.

    Some entity types are selected by default, Identity Governance removes these entities during the cleanup phase of database maintenance. For more information, see Section 13.6, Identifying Purgeable Data.

  8. (Optional) Select ENTITY TYPE to select all items and deselect specific items, or deselect to clear all items and select specific items

    NOTE:The selected items are considered in the number of items count, and the same number is reflected for the entity type at the folder level. You can select or clear the check box to recover the previous count or clear selection.