13.6 Identifying Purgeable Data

During the cleanup phase of database maintenance, Identity Governance removes some entity types from the operations database, and so, Identity Governance selects these data types by default. However, there are a few entity types which are not cleaned up by default and requires manual selection.

To view the list of entity types which are eligible for cleanup, click show. Select from the following entity types the purgeable data for cleanup:

  • Collection and publication

    Account upload

    Can be purged when the account upload data production is complete and the container that contains the entities created during the upload is not a part of the current snapshot.

    Collect or publish production

    There are three types of data production that can be purged:

    • Collection

      Can be purged if:

      • Collection is not running

      • Version column is not previous or current

      • Publish change production does not reference the collection (publish changes production including child production associated with the collection must be purged first)

      • Entity container does not have entities that reference the collection or any of its child data collection

    • Publish all

      Can be purged if the publish all production is not running for an application and the entity container does not have entities that reference the production. However, snapshots containing the publication must be purged first.

    • Publish changes

      Can be purged if:

      • The publish changes production is not running for an application

      • The entity container does not have entities that reference the production

      • The publish changes production is not the latest that is run for the application. The latest production is retained.


    Can be purged if:

    • It is not currently running, and is in a canceled, failed, completed, or terminated state

    • Its data is not part of any snapshot (snapshots containing data from a collection must be purged first)

    Data production

    Can clean up data production records that are not cleaned up by any other cleanup type.

    Data source

    Can be purged if it:

    • Is not scheduled for collection

    • Is not currently being collected or published

    • Was deleted

    • Is not part of a snapshot (snapshots containing data from data source must be purged first)

    Additionally, when the data source is an application, it can be purged if the application:

    • Is not a parent of another application

    • Is not referenced by a business role

    • Has no permissions referenced by a technical role

    • Has no permissions referenced by a business role

    • Has no permissions referenced by a separation of duty (SoD) policy

    Permission upload

    Can be purged when the permission upload data production is complete and the container that contains the entities created during the upload is not part of the current snapshot.

    RTC (Real Time Collection) batch

    Can be purged when the data production for the RTC batch (or RTC ingestion) is complete, failed with an error, or was canceled. Real time collection cannot be in progress.


    Can be purged if it:

    • Is not the current snapshot of the Identity Governance catalog

    • Is not a precursor to another snapshot

    • Is not referenced by a review instance

    • No Separation of Duties violations exist for users or accounts in the snapshot

    • No technical roles exist that reference permissions in the snapshot

    Snapshot version

    Can be purged if:

    • The entity container is not associated with any snapshot, snapshots that reference the entity container must be purged first

    • The entity container is not a result of one of the following data producer types:

      • Curator

      • Autocurator

      • Mortician

      • Historian

    • The entity container is not the latest version for the data producer whose type is collector

    Entity records from these data producer types is not associated with any snapshot, but should not be deleted.

    User upload

    Can be purged if the user upload data production is complete and the container that contains the entities created during the upload is not part of the current snapshot.

  • Data production

    Certification policy calculation

    Can be purged if it:

    • Is in its final state and has been completed, canceled, failed, or terminated

    • Is not the last calculation or the last completed calculation production for the certification policy it is associated with

    Data collection

    Can be purged if:

    • It is in its final state and has been completed, canceled, failed, or terminated

    • It is not the last data collection or the last completed data collection for the data collector it is associated with

    • The data collected by the data collection (such as users, permissions, accounts) have all been purged first by snapshots and snapshot versions

    • The data source collection data production it is associated with is in its final state and has been completed, canceled, failed, or terminated

    Data policy calculation

    Can be purged if it:

    • Is in its final state and has been completed, canceled, failed, or terminated

    • Is not the last calculation or the last completed calculation production for the data policy it is associated with

    Data source collection

    Can be purged if:

    • It is in its final state and has been completed, canceled, failed, or terminated

    • It is not referenced by any data collection productions (data collection productions that reference the data source collection must be purged first)

    • It is for an application data source or an application definition data source, its version is deletable and it is not referenced from a process change event production

    • It is not the last data source collection or the last completed data source collection for the data source it is associated with

    Data source test collection

    Can be purged if it is in its final state and has been completed, canceled, failed, or terminated and there are no data test collection productions associated with it. Any associated data test collection productions must be purged first.

    Data test collection

    Can be purged if the test collection production and its associated data source is in its final state and has been completed, canceled, failed, or terminated.

    Identity publication

    Can be purged if:

    • It is in its final state and has been completed, canceled, failed, or terminated

    • It is not the last identity publication or the last successful identity publication

    • The data published by the identity publication (such as users and groups) has all been purged first by snapshots and snapshot versions.

    Job end production

    Can be purged if:

    • It is in its final state and has been completed, canceled, failed, or terminated

    • It is not the last job end or the last completed job end production for the schedule it is associated with or it is not associated with a schedule

    • It is not a prerequisite to any data productions or any data productions to it (other than the job start productions). All prerequisites productions (other than job start production) must be purged first. All productions it is a prerequisite to must be purged first

    Job start production

    Can be purged if:

    • It is in its final state and has been completed, canceled, failed, or terminated

    • It is not referenced by any job end production (associated job end productions must be purged first)

    • It is not a prerequisite to any data productions. All productions it is a prerequisite to must be purged first

    Policy detection

    Can be purged if:

    • It is in its final state and has been completed, canceled, failed, or terminated

    • It is not the last policy detection or the last completed policy detection production for the policy it is associated with

    Provisioning production

    Can be purged if:

    • It is in its final state and has been completed, canceled, failed, or terminated

    • It is not the last provisioning production or the last completed provisioning production for the application it is associated with

    • There are no associated change request items that are not in their final state

    Review task production

    Can be purged if it is in its final state and has been completed, canceled, failed, or terminated and the associated review instance is not in a starting or start preview state.

    Risk score production

    Can be purged if:

    • It is in its final state and has been completed, canceled, failed, or terminated

    • It is not the last risk score production or the last completed risk score production for the risk score configuration it is associated with

    Verify provisioning production

    Can be purged if:

    • It is in its final state and has been completed, canceled, failed, or terminated

    • It is not the last provisioning production or the last completed provisioning production for the application it is associated with or it is not associated with an application

  • History

    Account history record

    Can be purged when the account record is marked as history and resides in the special history container.

    Application history

    Can be purged at any time.

    Merge history record

    Can be purged anytime. The merged histories are purged based on the Merge Event Time.

    Permission history record

    Can be purged when the permission record is marked as history and resides in the special history container.

    User history record

    Can be purged when the user record is marked as history and resides in the special history container.

  • Miscellaneous

    Analytical facts

    Can be purged only when retention time is specified and facts are older than the specified retention time.

    Auto fulfillment request

    Can be purged when the associated change request item is in a final fulfillment state. Final fulfillment states include:

    • Request refusal

    • Error fulfilling the request

    • Request verified

    • Request not verified and verification ignored

    • Verification timed out

    Bulk data update definition

    Can be purged if it was deleted.


    Can be purged if the category was deleted.

    Custom form

    Cleans up custom forms.

    Performance log

    Can be purged at any time.

    Unregistered facts

    Can be purged when fact tables are available in the schema, even after custom facts are unregistered from fact catalog.

    NOTE:The purge conditions for each data type might change if a new scenario occurs that determines that the conditions have changed.

  • Policy

    Access request and approval policy

    Access request

    Can be purged only when the request is complete, which includes one of the following states:

    • Request was denied approval

    • Request was declined fulfillment

    • Request was fulfilled and verified

    • Request was fulfilled and verification failed

    Access request approval policy

    Can be purged when there are no access requests that reference the approval policy and the policy is deleted.

    Access request policy

    Can be purged when there are no access requests that reference the policy and the policy is deleted.

    Auto resolution policy

    Auto resolution

    Can be purged if it is not currently running, and is in a canceled, failed, or completed state.

    Auto resolution policy

    Can be purged when there are no auto resolutions that reference the policy and the policy is deleted.

    Business role policy

    Business role

    Can be purged if it:

    • Has been deleted or it is an old version of a business role

    • Is not referenced from any review definitions or review items

    • Is not referenced from any change request items

    Business role authorization

    Can be purged when they are deleted. Business role authorizations are marked deleted when a business role detection removes them.

    Business role detection

    Can be purged if the business role detection is not currently running, because detection either completed successfully, failed, or was canceled.

    Business role membership

    Can be purged when they are deleted. Business role memberships are marked deleted when a business role detection removes them.

    Inconsistency detection

    Can be purged if the detection has been marked as deleted.

    Certification policy

    Certification policy

    Can be purged if policy was deleted.

    Certification policy violation

    Can be purged if the violation was resolved.

    Data policy and control

    Data policy

    Can be purged if it was deleted.

    Data policy violation

    Can be purged if the violation was resolved.

    Remediation action or process

    Can be purged if it is old, based on the timestamp. A remediation run will not be deleted if it is the only run for a policy remediation.

    Risk score status

    Can be purged if it:

    • Is in the error, canceled, or completed state

    • Is in completed state, and there is another completed risk score status of the same entity type with a later start time

    Separation of duty policy

    Separation of duties approval policy

    Can be purged if the policy record was deleted.

    Separation of duties case

    Can be purged if:

    • The case is closed

    • No change request items were made to resolve the case or, if there are change request items associated with the case, they are all in a final verified or error state and not still pending fulfillment

    Separation of duties policy

    Can be purged if it:

    • Was deleted

    • Is not referenced in an SoD case (SoD cases should be purged first)

    • No access requests with potential SoD violations for the policy exist (Such access requests must be purged first)

    Separation of Duties detection

    A separation of duties (SoD) detection is information associated with an SoD case that keeps track of the detection history for the SoD case. These detections are also purged if an SoD case itself is purged.

    The SoD detection purge allows the detection history to be purged without having to purge the SoD case. SoD detection can be purged only if it is not the most recent detection for the SoD case.

    Technical role

    Can be purged if it:

    • Was deleted from the Identity Governance catalog

    • Is not referenced by a review instance

    • Is not referenced by an SoD policy

    • Is not referenced by a Review Definition

    • Is not referenced by a business role

    Technical role assignment

    Can be purged if the technical role assignment was deleted (unassigned).


    Review definition

    Can be purged if it:

    • Was deleted

    • Is not referenced by a review instance (review instances must be purged first)

    • Is not referenced by a certification policy (certification policies must be purged first)

    • Is not referenced by a remediation from a certification or data policy

    Review instance

    Can be purged if it:

    • Is not running, and was canceled, experienced an error, or completed certification

    • Is not referenced by a pending change request item action (is not in a final verified or error state)

      NOTE:Materialized views, if any, are purged when review instances are purged.

Request approval policy

Can be purged if:

  • The policy was deleted

  • No requests associated with the policy exist (requests associated with the policy must be purged first)

Request policy

Can be purged if:

  • The policy was deleted

  • No requests associated with the policy exist (requests associated with the policy must be purged first)