23.7 Creating and Editing Request and Approval Forms

Identity Governance provides default request and approval forms for applications and permissions access. When more complex forms are required, authorized administrators, application owners, or their delegates can also customize the default forms or create customized forms for one or more applications and permissions using Forms Builder and Forms Renderer. Forms Builder enables you to design forms; add and validate data; edit JSON forms directly in the application; and seamlessly pass the user and approver submissions to Identity Governance request and fulfillment workflows. Forms Renderer uses the form JSON schema to render the forms and generate corresponding APIs.

For a detailed description of Forms Builder and its procedures, see the Form Builder Guide.

23.7.1 Customizing Default Application or Permission Forms

Identity Governance provides form sets (request and corresponding approval form) by default. On the Application Default Forms or Permission Default Forms tabs on the Access Request Policies page, you can choose a sample application or permission respectively, and preview forms to review default forms. If you want to customize the default forms, you can use Form Builder to customize them.

IMPORTANT:When you customize a default request form, you also need to add the corresponding controls to the default approval form to facilitate data flow. For example, if you want to add a Supervisor field to the request form, you must also add that field to the default approval form.

To customize default application or permission request and approval forms:

  1. Log in to Identity Governance as a Customer, Global, or Request Administrator or an Application Owner.

  2. Select Policy > Access Request Policies

  3. Select Application Default Forms or Permission Default Forms.

  4. Click the default request form to launch Form Builder in a new browser tab.

  5. Drag and drop form components, configure related settings, and save the form. For Form Builder procedures, see the Form Builder Guide.

  6. Select the Identity Governance browser tab to return to the policy page.

  7. Click the approval form to launch Form Builder.

  8. Duplicate the changes you made to the request form and save the form.

  9. Select the Identity Governance browser tab to return to the policy page.

  10. Publish forms individually or select Actions > Publish Forms to publish the request and approval form.

  11. Compare the draft to published forms.

    NOTE:Inline scripts in forms are published to the global javascript context. When inline scripts are used as helper functions in the Form Builder, comparisons might be displayed incorrectly. This occurs because two forms are sharing the same inline function.

  12. If needed, make additional changes or revert changes.

  13. (Conditional) If you had previously created custom forms for permissions or applications, you can select additional actions such as Change form set, Copy existing form set, or Assign form set. For information about creating form sets, see Section 23.7.2, Creating Custom Forms for One or More Permissions and Applications

  14. (Optional) Select Actions and rename forms.

23.7.2 Creating Custom Forms for One or More Permissions and Applications

In addition to customizing the default forms, you can further customize forms for specific permissions or applications. As stated earlier, when you customize the request form, you also need to add the corresponding controls to the approval form to facilitate data flow. For example, when you add Select Box and Reason components to your Custom Request Form for laptop permission, you also need to add them to the Custom Approval Form so that the user selection and reason is passed to the approval form.

To create a custom request and approval form:

  1. Log in to Identity Governance as a Customer, Global, or Request Administrator, or an Application Owner.

  2. Select Catalog > Applications > Application Name or select Catalog > Permissions > Permission Name.

  3. Create a new custom request and approval form:

    1. Select Actions > Add form set.

    2. Click Create Form Set.

    3. Click the request form to launch Form Builder in a new browser tab.

    4. Drag and drop form components, configure related settings, and save the form. For Form Builder procedures, see the Form Builder Guide.

    5. Click the approval form to launch Form Builder.

    6. Duplicate the changes you made to the request form and save the form.

  4. Select the Identity Governance browser tab to return to the catalog page.

  5. (Conditional) If you had previously created a custom form set, change, assign, or copy an existing custom form to another permission or application:

    1. In an application’s Custom Forms tab, select Actions > Copy existing form set or Actions > Assign form set.

    2. In a permission’s Custom Forms tab, select Actions > Change form set.

    3. Select a form set from the list of custom form sets, rename the form set and forms’ names, and create the new forms.

  6. Select Actions > Publish Forms to publish the request and approval form.

  7. Compare the draft to published forms.

  8. (Optional) Rename a custom form or a custom form set by selecting Actions > Rename form or Actions > Rename Form Set respectively.

NOTE:If needed, you can always revert to the default forms or default form set by selecting Actions > Revert to default form or Actions > Revert form set to default respectively.

23.7.3 Editing Custom Form Components and Forms

In addition to the ability to create custom forms using basic, advanced, and custom Form Builder components, you can also edit each form component and edit the form itself using JSON and JS (JavaScript) editors. For example, you can use the editors to construct instructions for fulfillment for laptop permission by adding JSON objects such as flowdata, which contains request data.

IMPORTANT:The JSON editor is meant for use by developers and advanced users to customize forms. Do not use it if you do not have JSON experience.

For more information about editing form components and using the editors, see the Form Builder Guide.

23.7.4 Downloading and Importing Forms

Identity Governance enables you to download and import the request and approval forms for use in other environments. You can download and import:

  • Default forms for all applications

  • Default forms for all permissions

  • Custom forms for a specific application

  • Custom forms for a specific permission

For more information about exporting and importing procedures and recommended order of import, see Section 33.0, Exporting and Importing.