11.4 Translation Content for Identity Governance and One SSO Provider

If the default languages for Identity Governance and OSP do not meet the needs of your organization, you can translate the strings and user interface content to a different language. For example, you might want to interact with Identity Governance in Norwegian (language code=nb). To use a non-default language, you need to translate the .properties files of an existing language.

For more information about customizing the content for a current new language instead of adding a language, see Section 11.3.1, Customizing the Labels in the Identity Governance Interface.

11.4.1 Preparing Files for Translation

This procedure assumes that you will translate English .properties files to the new language, rather than starting from another language such as French. Most of the .properties files are located in .jar files.

  • Linux: Default location:

    • Identity Governance: /opt/netiq/idm/apps/idgov/localization

    • OSP: /opt/netiq/idm/apps/osp/osp-extras/l10n-resources

  • Windows: Default location:

    • Identity Governance: c:\netiq\idm\apps\idgov\localization

    • OSP: c:\netiq\idm\apps\osp\osp-extras\l10n-resources

WARNING:Do not change the directory structure of the .jar files or modify any text in the code strings before the = sign. Identity Governance might not function if you make inappropriate alterations.

To prepare files for translation:

  1. To prepare the file that Identity Governance uses for labels in the user interface, complete the following steps:

    1. To download a file to use as the template for translation, complete Step 1 through Step 3 in Section 11.3.1, Customizing the Labels in the Identity Governance Interface.

    2. Change the locale code in the file name to represent the language that you want to add.

      For example, to add Norwegian, change



  2. To prepare the content in the .jar files, complete the following steps:

    1. Create backup copies of the .jar files that you want to translate. Store the backups in a safe location.

    2. Copy the .jar files that you want to translate to a temporary directory.

      You will need these files again after the translations are complete.

    3. For each .jar file in the temporary directory, extract the English .properties files that you want to translate.

      For example, extract iac-ConfigUIstringsRsrc_en.properties from the iac-configutil-strings.jar file for Identity Governance.

    4. For each extracted .properties file, change the locale code in the file name to represent the language that you want to add.

      For example, to add Norwegian, change



    5. (Conditional) If a string that you want to translate and use in the .properties file has a comment, you must un-comment it.

      For example, change



    6. Create .jar files to contain the .properties files that you want to translate.

      For example, for the Norwegian translator, you might create nb-iac-configutil-strings.jar.

      The new .jar files must mimic the directory structure of the original files.

    7. Add the .properties files that are ready for translating to the new language in the new, appropriate .jar files.

      For example, add the iac-ConfigUIstringsRsrc_nb.properties file to the nb-iac-configutil-strings.jar file.

  3. Provide the .jar files and the localizedLabels_xx.properties file to your translator.

    WARNING:Ensure that the translator maintains the file names and directory structure of the .jar files. Also, do not modify any text in the code string before the = sign. For example, com.netiq.iac.persistence.ops.AttributeDefinition.USER.guid=. Identity Governance might not function if you make inappropriate alterations.

11.4.2 Ensuring that Identity Governance Recognizes the New Language

The Identity Governance Configuration utility controls which languages appear in Identity Governance and sets the default language. When you integrate with Identity Manager, the RBPM Configuration utility performs this duty.

Perform this procedure when you are ready to add new translations to Identity Governance.

  1. In a terminal, navigate to the following directory:

    • Linux: Default location of /opt/netiq/idm/apps/idgov/bin

    • Windows: Default location of c:\netiq\idm\apps\idgov\bin

  2. Run the Identity Governance Configuration utility:

    • Linux: Enter the following command:

      • Console mode: ./configutil.sh -password db_password -storepass encryption_keystore_password -console

      • Guided mode: ./configutil.sh -password db_password -storepass encryption_keystore_password

    • Windows: Enter the following command:

      • Console mode: configutil.bat -password db_password -storepass encryption_keystore_password -console

      • Guided mode: configutil.bat -password db_password -storepass encryption_keystore_password

  3. Select Miscellaneous.

  4. For Supported Locales, add the locale code that represents the language(s) that you want to include. Use a pipe sign to separate entries.

    For example, enter nb for Norwegian and it|ru for Italian or Russian.

  5. For Default Locale, specify the language that you want to use.

    For example, enter nb for Norwegian.

  6. Save your changes and close the utility.

11.4.3 Adding the Translated Labels to the Identity Governance Interface

  1. Complete the steps in Section 11.4.2, Ensuring that Identity Governance Recognizes the New Language.

  2. Log in to Identity Governance as a Global Administrator.

  3. Select Configuration > Localization Import and Export.

    Identity Governance lists the .properties files by language.

  4. For the language that you added to Identity Governance, select Upload.

    For example, if you added the locale code for Norwegian to the Identity Governance Configuration utility, upload the localizedLabels_nb.properties file.

  5. Refresh the browser window to view the changes.

    NOTE:Depending on the browser settings, you might need to sign out of Identity Governance, clear the cache in the browser, then log in again.

11.4.4 Adding Translated Content to Identity Governance and OSP

To add the new content to Identity Governance and OSP, you need to place the translated .properties files in their appropriate locations in the .jar files in the temporary directory. The updated .jar files belong in the lib directory for Apache Tomcat.

  • Linux: Default directory of /opt/netiq/idm/apps/tomcat/lib

  • Windows: Default directory of c:\netiq\idm\apps\tomcat\lib

Ensure that you complete the steps in Section 11.4.2, Ensuring that Identity Governance Recognizes the New Language before starting this procedure.

  1. Navigate to the temporary directory where you had copied the original .jar files in Step 2.b.

  2. Add the translated .jar files to the temporary directory.

  3. For each translated .jar file, extract the translated .properties file(s).

  4. Copy the translated .properties file(s) to their appropriate locations in the original .jar files in the temporary directory.

    • Linux: For example, place the iac-ConfigUIstringsRsrc_nb.properties file in the /com/netiq/iac/config/util directory of the iac-configutil-strings.jar file.

    • Windows: For example, place the iac-ConfigUIstringsRsrc_nb.properties file in the c:\netiq\com\iac\config\util directory of the iac-configutil-strings.jar file.

  5. Delete the translated .jar file(s) from the temporary directory.

  6. Copy the .jar file(s) with the added translations to the lib directory for Apache Tomcat.

    • Linux: Default directory of /opt/netiq/idm/apps/tomcat/lib

    • Windows: Default directory of c:\netiq\idm\apps\tomcat\lib

  7. Stop Apache Tomcat. For more information, see Section 3.5.3, Starting and Stopping Apache Tomcat.

  8. Delete all files and folders in the following Apache Tomcat directories:

    • Linux: Default locations of

      • / opt/netiq/idm/apps/tomcat/temp

      • /opt/netiq/idm/apps/tomcat/work/Catalina

    • Windows: Default locations of:

      • c:\netiq\idm\apps\tomcat\temp

      • c:\netiq\idm\apps\tomcat\work\Catalina

  9. Delete all log files from the Apache Tomcat logs directory.

    • Linux: Default location of /opt/netiq/idm/apps/tomcat/logs

    • Windows: Default location of c:\netiq\idm\apps\tomcat\logs

  10. Start Apache Tomcat. For more information, see Section 3.5.3, Starting and Stopping Apache Tomcat.

  11. Before logging in to Identity Governance, clear the browser cache to ensure that the browser displays your new language.

11.4.5 Verifying the New Translations

  1. In a browser, clear the browser cache.

  2. Change the browser language to the language that you added to Identity Governance.

  3. Enter the URL for Identity Governance.

    If you did not translate the content in the OSP .jar files, the login page continues to appear in the default language.

  4. Log in to Identity Governance.

  5. Observe the translated content.