Identity Governance allows you to change some of the configuration options for the databases that you define during the installation. The options that you can change are:
JDBC driver for the database
URL of the database
Database names
Password for the databases
Identity Governance stores this information in multiple locations. You must update this information in all of the locations to have Identity Governance see the changes. Use the following information to update the database configuration information in Identity Governance.
The database changes must be updated in the properties file of the Identity Governance Configuration Update utility. You must edit the properties file to update the database changes.
Make the appropriate corresponding changes in the main database (igops) on the database server for the:
JDBC driver for the database
URL of the database
Database name
Password for the database
Log in to the server running Identity Governance as an administrative user.
Stop Apache Tomcat. For more information, see Section 3.5.3, Starting and Stopping Apache Tomcat.
Open the properties file for the Identity Governance Configuration Update utility in a text editor. The default location is:
Linux: /opt/netiq/idm/apps/configupdate/
Windows: c:\netiq\idm\apps\configupdate\
Make the appropriate changes to the following parameters:
Specify the name of the new JDBC driver. You would change this if you were adding a patched driver.
Specify the updated URL and port to access the database.
Specify the new name for the database.
Specify the new password for the database.
(Conditional) If you do not want to have the password set in clear text.
Encrypt the password by running the following script:
Linux: /opt/netiq/idm/apps/idgov/bin/ password
Windows: c:\netiq\idm\apps\idgov\bin\ password
Copy the new value and replace the value in the dbPassword property.
Save and close the file.
Restart Apache Tomcat on the Identity Governance server. For more information, see Section 3.5.3, Starting and Stopping Apache Tomcat.
You must edit the Identity Governance Configuration utility to update the database changes.
Make the appropriate corresponding changes in the main database (igops) on the database server for the:
JDCB driver for the database
URL of the database
Database name
Log in to the server running Identity Governance as an administrative user.
Open the Identity Governance Configuration utility in a text editor. The default location is:
Linux: /opt/netiq/idm/apps/idgov/bin/
Windows: c:\netiq\idm\apps\idgov\bin\configutil.bat
Make the appropriate changes to the following parameters:
Specify the name of the new JDBC driver. You would change this if you had a patched version of the driver.
Specify the updated URL and port to access the database.
Specify the new name for the database or encode the password.
Specify the path to the JDBC driver JAR file.
NOTE:Make changes here only if your database version required an updated JDBC driver JAR.
Save and close the file.
You must edit the Identity Governance database initialization file to make Identity Governance aware of what changes you made to the database in case you ever have to reinitialize the schema. For more information, see Section 12.2, Manually Generating the Database Schema after the Installation.
To change the database information in the database initialization file:
Make the appropriate corresponding changes in the main database (igops) on the database server for the:
JDCB driver for the database
URL of the database
Database name
Edit the Identity Governance database initialization file to change the database names or the URL and port for the database server.
Access the database initialization files. The default locations are:
Linux: /opt/netiq/idm/apps/idgov/bin/
Windows: c:\netiq\idm\apps\idgov\bin\db-init.bat
Open the database initialization file in a text editor.
Change the following entries in the file for your database:
Change each entry that lists a database name. Change the following entries:
Specify the URL and port for your database for each of the following lines:
Specify the new JDBC JAR file in the following entry: _dc_jdbc_jar=
Edit the Identity Reporting database initialization file to change the database names or the URL and port for the database server.
Access the database initialization files. The default locations are:
Linux: /opt/netiq/idm/apps/idrpt/bin/
Windows: c:\netiq\idm\apps\idrpt\bin\db-init.bat
Open the database initialization file in a text editor.
Change the following entries in the file for your database:
Specify the URL and port for your database in the following line: _db_url_rpt=
Specify the new JDBC JAR file in the following entry: _dc_jdbc_jar=
Edit the Workflow Engine database initialization file to change the database names or the URL and port for the database server.
Access the database initialization files. The default locations are:
Linux: /opt/netiq/idm/apps/wfe/bin/
Windows: c:\netiq\idm\apps\wfe\bin\db-init.bat
Open the database initialization file in a text editor.
Change the following entries in the file for your database:
Change each entry that lists a database name. Change the following entry: _db_role_name=
Specify the URL and port for your database for each of the following lines:
Specify the name of the JDBC driver in the following entry: _db_driver=
Specify the new JDBC JAR file in the following entry: _dc_jdbc_jar=
Save and close the file.
You must update the server.xml file for the Apache Tomcat instance that you use for Identity Governance.
Make the appropriate corresponding changes in the database for the:
JDCB driver for the database
URL of the database
Database names
Password for the databases
Log in to the server running Identity Governance as an administrative user.
Stop Apache Tomcat. For more information, see Section 3.5.3, Starting and Stopping Apache Tomcat.
Open the Apache Tomcat server.xml file for Identity Governance in a text editor. The default location is:
Linux: /opt/netiq/idm/apps/tomcat/conf/server.xml
Windows: c:\netiq\idm\apps\tomcat\conf\server.xml
Make the appropriate changes to the following parameters:
Specify the name of the database names in the username= entries.
Specify the updated URL and port to access the database for the url= entries.
(Conditional) You do not want to have the password set in clear text.
Encrypt the password by running the following script:
Linux: /opt/netiq/idm/apps/idgov/bin/ password
Windows: c:\netiq\idm\apps\idgov\bin\ password
Copy the new value and replace the value in the password field.
Save and close the file.
Start Apache Tomcat. For more information, see Section 3.5.3, Starting and Stopping Apache Tomcat.