24.3 Completing Review Tasks

When Reviewers have tasks for a review run, they are notified by email. When you log in as a reviewer, you can see the assigned tasks for each review. Then you can evaluate the items in the task list. Usually, you either certify the permissions assigned to users for a particular application or the presence of unmapped accounts in the application .

After the reviewers have completed their tasks, a Review Owner must approve the changes to create a change list to be fulfilled. At this point, fulfillers and the review auditor, if one exists, get email notifications that they have tasks to complete in the review. For more information about these authorizations, see Section 2.1.2, Runtime Authorizations. For automated fulfillment configurations, the fulfillment changes are sent to the configured systems. For more information about automated fulfillment, see Section 13.2, Configuring Fulfillment.

For more information about completing review tasks, see Section 25.2.5, Approving and Completing the Review.