Old Agent images and old connectors can consume valuable space on your host server. As a best practice, you should periodically review and remove unneeded files.
The OpenText Cloud Bridge Agent upgrade process does not automatically remove older Agent images from Docker® or Podman in your environment. This allows you to keep images until you are sure your upgraded environment is working as expected. As a best practice, you should periodically review and manually remove unneeded old images so they do not consume space on the host server.
To remove old Agent images:
Log in to the Agent host server where you need to free up space.
Open a command line and run the appropriate command for your environment:
Docker®: docker image prune [options]
Podman: podman image prune [options]
For more information about available options, see the Docker® or Podman documentation.
When you delete a connector, the Agent deletes the old connector from the /bridgelib folder and copies it to the /backup folder. Similarly, when you update a connector the Agent copies the old connector to the /backup folder before installing the new one in the /bridgelib folder. The /backup folder contains both the connector .jar files and some backup .json files. The .json files contain the history of the most recent and older actions that have been taken.
When you are satisfied that your installed connectors are working properly, as a best practice you should periodically remove old connector .jar files from the /backup folder. You can also remove the .json files if you choose, though those files are very small.
To remove old connectors:
Log in to the Agent host server.
Open a command line and enter the following commands:
cd <Agent_install_dir>/backup
rm <connector_jar_file>