Operator Information Area status values.
MicroFocus.ZFE.Connector (in MicroFocus.ZFE.Connector.dll) Version: 2.1.1646.0 (2.1.1646.0)
SyntaxPublic Enumeration OiaStatus
| Member name | Description |
| ControllerReady |
Controller ready.
| AOnline |
Online with a non-SNA connection.
| MyJob |
Connected to a host application.
| Newline |
Newline mode is active.
| DisplayMemory |
Display Memory status.
| Time |
Host busy.
| SysLock |
System lock following aid key.
| CommCheck |
Communication check.
| ProgCheck |
Program check.
| Elsewhere |
Keystroke invalid at cursor location.
| FnMinus |
Function not available.
| WhatKey |
Keystroke invalid.
| MoreThan |
Too many characters entered in field.
| SymMinus |
Symbol entered not available.
| InputError |
Operator input error.
| LimitedEmulation |
Session is in limited emulation mode.
| Insert |
Cursor in insert mode.
| FormsMode |
Forms mode is active.
| CommErrRem |
Communications error reminder.
| MsgWaiting |
Message waiting indicator.
| Encrypt |
Session is encrypted.
| NumField |
Invalid character in numeric only field.
| TransmitMode |
Transmit mode is active.
| SpOwLatch |
Space overwrite latch is enabled.
| InhibitEOLWrap |
Inhibit end-of-line wrap is enabled.
| BlockTransferPage |
Block mode transfers the entire page.
| InhibitDC1 |
DC1 handshake for block mode transfers is inhibited.
| InhibitDC2 |
DC2 handshake for block mode transfers is inhibited.
| CapsLock |
Caps lock mode is enabled.
| BlockMode |
Block mode is enabled.
| EnquireMode |
Enquire mode is active.
| LocalMode |
Local mode is active.
| ReceiveMode |
Receive mode is active.
| LTAIMode |
LTAI is on.
| SearchMode |
Search mode is active.
| InsertInLine |
Editing mode is insert in line.
| InsertInPage |
Editing mode is insert in page.
See Also