9.0 Planning for Filr Sharing, Licensing Terms, and Comments

IMPORTANT:We recommend that you review the information in Sharing through Filr in the Filr 4.1: Understanding How Filr Works to prepare for planning to allow sharing through Filr.

Table 9-1 Worksheet 14 - Share Settings (Global)

Heading, Label, or Topic:

Information and Instructions:

Global Share Settings Tips and Considerations

  • This is where you enable sharing and set the maximum sharing privileges that are allowed anywhere on the system.

  • Keep in mind that these are the default sharing settings for those who have access to My Files (home and personal) storage through Filr.

Rights tab

  1. Referring to the information in Rights tab in the Filr 4: Administrative UI Reference, record your settings for the following fields on Worksheet 14:

    • Allow all users to share with groups that have been imported from LDAP:

    • User/Group List / Grant Share Rights dialog

Whitelist / Blacklist tab

  1. Referring to the information in Whitelist / Blacklist tab in the Filr 4: Administrative UI Reference, record your settings for the following fields on Worksheet 14:

    • (Restriction type) No restrictions, Whitelist, or Blacklist.

    • Email Addresses List

    • Domains List

    • Delete shares that don’t meet the criteria

Table 9-2 Worksheet 15 - Net Folder Access and Sharing Settings

Heading, Label, or Topic:

Information and Instructions:

Net Folder Sharing Tips and Configurations

Preparing the worksheet

  1. Copy the <Net Folder Name> section as many times as required to plan user and group access for all of the Net Folders listed in Worksheet 9.

  2. Within each <Net Folder Name> section, copy the Users and/or Groups that require access section as many times as required to accommodate different sets of sharing rights to be granted.

    For example, if Group A and Group B are to be granted both Internal and External sharing rights, but Group C is to be granted only Internal sharing rights, you need two copies of the section: one section for Group A and Group B, and a second section for Group C.

IMPORTANT:Although the worksheets are designed to plan for Net Folder sharing and these instructions reflect that, it is actually quite common that organizations choose to not enable sharing on some or all of their Net Folders.

<Net Folder Name>

  1. Referring to Worksheet 9, rename each of these headings to reflect your Net Folder names.

Rights tab

  1. Returning to the first Net Folder section you copied, in the first Users and Groups that require access section, list all of the users and groups that need the same set of sharing privileges on the Net Folder. (This can include not assigning any sharing privileges.)

Grant Rights dialog

  1. If you are allowing Net Folder sharing, specify the set of sharing rights that apply to the listed users and groups.


  1. Repeat the planning process until all of the sections that you copied have been filled in.

  2. Continue with

Table 9-3 Worksheet 14 - External Users Licensing Terms tab

Heading, Label, or Topic:

Information and Instructions:

Display Terms and Conditions

  1. If you plan to allow external users access to your Filr site, you can require that they accept specified terms and conditions to gain access. See External Users Licensing Terms tab in the Filr 4: Administrative UI Reference, record your settings for the following fields on Worksheet 14:

Table 9-4 Worksheet 14 - Comment Settings tab

Heading, Label, or Topic:

Information and Instructions:

Allow Commenting on Files

  1. This lets you disable all commenting on the site.

    For more information, see Comment Settings tab in the Filr 4: Administrative UI Reference.