11.2 Creating and Modifying Net Folders

11.2.1 Creating a Net Folder

Path: Port 8443 Filr Admin Console Management > Net Folders > Add

Best Practice: Plan your Net Folders in advance and use the following table when working in this dialog:

Table 11-2 Using the New Net Folder dialog

Field, Option, or Button

Information and/or Action

Configuration tab

  • Name:

  • Specify a name that you want users to see when accessing the Net Folder.

  • Net Folder Server:

  • Using the drop-down list, select the Net Folder Server that the new Net Folder is associated with.

  • New Net Folder Server: button

  • Relative path:

  • Specify the relative path to the folder on the Net Folder Server. If this field is left blank, it uses the Net Folder Server path.

    When connecting to a SharePoint site, if you leave the Relative Path field blank, all document libraries shown in Site Contents are synchronized to Filr. These libraries include the following: Documents, Form Templates, Site Assets, Site Pages, Style Library, and any user-created document libraries.

  • Test Connection button

  • Click this to verify that the path that you have typed is valid.

  • Use the index content setting defined on the Net Folder Server

  • This is selected by default and causes this Net Folder to use the content indexing setting defined for the Net Folder Server, which is that content-indexing is not enabled.

    As noted in Creating a Net Folder Server, enabling indexing at the Net Folder Server level is not a best practice and there is no disk space planning support in the planning worksheets for this.

  • Use the index content setting defined below

  • Index the content of files within this Net Folder

  • If you selected the option to Use the index content setting defined below, you must select this if you want to enable content indexing for the Net Folder.

    This is presented as a separate option from its parent option to allow for those cases where content indexing is enabled at the Net Folder Server level (not a best practice) but this Net Folder should not be indexed.

  • Use the Just-in-Time settings defined on the Net Folder Server

  • This is selected by default and causes this Net Folder to use the JITS settings defined for the associated Net Folder Server.

  • Use the Just-in-Time settings defined below

  • Select this if you want to use different JITS settings than are defined on the associated Net Folder Server.

  • Enable Just-in-Time synchronization

IMPORTANT:This is always available as a selectable option, but it has no effect unless JITS is enabled for the Filr system. See Enabling Just-in-Time-Synchronization for Filr and eDirectory Rights Usage for OES.

  • If you selected the option to Use the Just-in-Time settings defined below, you must select this if you want to enable JITS synchronization for the Net Folder.

    This is presented as a separate option from its parent option to allow for those cases where JITS is enabled at the Net Folder Server level but JITS should not apply to this Net Folder.

  • Maximum age for Just-in-Time results

  • How long Filr waits from the last JITS synchronization before re-syncing.

    Default is 60 seconds.

  • Maximum age for ACL Just-in-Time results

  • How long Filr waits from the last ACL retrieval before retrieving the information again.

    The default is 3600 seconds (60 minutes).

Rights tab

Net Folder Sharing Settings

  • User or Group:

  • After clicking the Rights tab, begin typing the name of a User or Group that you want to have access to the files and folders on the Net Folder.

  • Click the name when it appears in the drop-down list.

    You can specify the following types of users, groups, and Organization Units (OUs) for granting rights:

    • Individual users (imported from the LDAP directory)

    • Groups (either imported from the LDAP directory or that have been created in Filr)

      NOTE:Users (in the group) created in Filr will not have access to files and folders on the Net Folder.

    • Organization Units (when using eDirectory as the LDAP directory)

    After you specify the user, group, or Organization Unit and select it, the Grant Rights dialog box displays.

Grant Rights dialog


  • Allow access to the Net Folder

  • Recipient can share files in this Net Folder with:

  • Recipient can share folders in this Net Folder with:

IMPORTANT:This functionality is only available when an Advanced-Edition license is installed on the Filr appliances.

Synchronization Schedule tab

Net Folder Synchronization

  • Use the synchronization schedule defined on the Net Folder Server

  • If you already set a synchronization schedule for the Net Folder Server (as described in Creating and Managing Net Folder Servers), and if you want the Net Folder to use that same schedule, select this option.

  • Use the synchronization schedule defined below

  • Select this option to create an independent synchronization schedule for the Net Folder.

  • Enable scheduled synchronization:

  • Select this option to enable synchronization, then select from the following synchronization options:

    • Every day: Synchronize files every day.

    • On selected days: Synchronize files only on designated days of the week.

    • At: Select the time of day to synchronize files.

    • Repeat every xx hours: Select how frequently the synchronization occurs.

  • This is presented separately from the parent option to allow for those cases where full synchronization is enabled at the Net Folder Server level but should not apply to this Net Folder.

Data Synchronization tab


  • This folder can be accessed from the user's desktop

  • This option is enabled by default on upgrading to Filr 3.4 or later. If selected, Filr desktop users can view this Net folder using the desktop application.

    If deselected, this Net folder is hidden from the desktop users.

  • Users can access this folder only in an online mode

  • If this option is selected, the Make available offline option is not available for the users. However, a user can double-click a file to cache it locally.

  • Users can access this folder both in an online and offline mode

  • If this option is selected, users can perform all operations on the files and folders.

11.2.2 Modifying a Net Folder

Path: Port 8443 Filr Admin Console Management > Net Folders > Click a Net Folder in the list

Generally, the information in Creating a Net Folder applies to the Edit Net Folder Server dialog, with the following exception:

  • Do not change the associated Net Folder Server or attempt to create a different Net Folder Server for this Net Folder.

11.2.3 Deleting a Net Folder

Path: Port 8443 Filr Admin Console Management > Net Folders > Select a listed Net Folder > Delete

See the information for the Delete button in Table 11-1, Using the Manage Net Folders dialog.