Check for the following conditions if you cannot print from the host.
Is the host resource you are using defined as a printer resource at the host?
If it isn't, either reconfigure the session for a different resource, or have your system administrator change the resource at the host to a printer resource.
Choose Session Status from the View menu. Make sure you are using the correct resource and session profile. If you find an error, reconfigure Extra!. Also check to see that the host has sent a Bind ID to Extra!. If there is no Bind ID, contact your system administrator and find out if the host's printing application is running.
Is the host resource active and not in use?
If the resource is inactive or already in use, reconfigure Extra! for a different resource.
Is the printer online?
If your printer is offline, or, if your printer is on a network, an "off-line" message may indicate that the network is down.
Is your printer an active Windows printer?
Open the Windows Print Manager and see if your printer is listed. For information on using the Print Manager, refer to your Microsoft Windows User's Guide.
Has Windows been set up to print?
There are several ways to check to see if Windows is configured for printing. Try any of the following tests to see if Windows is sending the job to your printer.
Try to print using the Windows Notepad.
Try to print one of the Windows online Help topics.
No matter which test you choose, you should be able to track the print job in the Microsoft Windows Print Manager. The Print Manager displays each print job as it is received. It tells you if the job is spooled, or if it has been sent to the printer.