Compare DB2 vs. SQL Data

Walks you through the process of using the Compare Data HCOSS UI tool to compare the extracted DB2 data with the data transferred into the new SQL Server database.

Compare data

  1. From the HCO for SQL Server interface, click Compare Data.
  2. Select an appropriate Source Connection and Destination Connection.
  3. Click New to create a new compare data task.
  4. In the Name field, type schema-nametest.
  5. From the DDL Task drop-down list, select schema-nametest.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Save to save the compare data task.
  8. Click Compare to compare the data. This takes you to the Results tab where you can view messages as the tool compares the data.


  1. Compare data for another DDL task by repeating the procedure, using the following information:
    Compare Data task name schema-nameprod
    Associated DDL task schema-nameprod
    Source connection mainframeDB2
    Destination connection HCODemo
  2. Save and compare.

This concludes the tutorial.