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Specifies whether the day, month, and year values specified by the current_day, current_month, and current_year tunables return static or "rolling" values.
Restriction: These tunables are supported for native COBOL only.


>>-----set datewarp_dynamic=---.-TRUE-.-------------><


TRUE The day, month, and year values specified for the current_day, current_month and current_year tunables are treated as the clock start values and will "roll" once they have been set.
FALSE The day, month, and year values specified for the current_day, current_month, and current_year tunables are static values that will always be returned when the ACCEPT identifier FROM DATE syntax or the CURRENT-DATE intrinsic function is used.


Default: FALSE
IDE equivalent: None Use the Application.config file of the project - right-click the file in Solution Explorer and click Open, then select the Run-time Configuration tab.See the settings under the Date Warp item.
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