Micro Focus Enterprise Developer 3.0 for Visual Studio 2017
Mainframe Support for Deployed Applications
Reference for MSS Deployment
MSS Error Messages
JCL Error Messages
JCLAM Error Messages
JCLAM0160 - JCLAM0179
JCLAM0163S job-number job-name The "*" specification must be surrounded by dots
Micro Focus Enterprise Developer 3.0 for Visual Studio 2017
Configuration and Administration
Reference for MSS Deployment
MSS Error Messages
JCL Error Messages
JCLAM Error Messages
JCLAM0160 - JCLAM0179
JCLAM0163S job-number job-name The "*" specification must be surrounded by dots
job-number job-name
The "*" specification must be surrounded by dots
The * specification must be preceded and followed by a period.
For example,
is invalid since it is not followed by a period.
Correct and re-run.
Parent topic:
JCLAM0160 - JCLAM0179